When you have youngsters, celebrating Halloween can be an iffy thing. You may not know where to trick or treat safely, you may not want your kiddo to eat pounds of candy or you may not celebrate Halloween!
Well, a couple of weeks ago we received an invitation to The Goddard School’s Annual Fall Festival. Caroline attends the Goddard School and we’re excited to know there is a safe, family friendly event for us to attend with pony rides (need I say more!)
We attended their Summer Bash and they had great indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages and also had members of their great team around to showcase their great programs. If you’re a new mommy and evaluating which preschool might be right for you, I highly encourage you to check out the Fall Festival so you can paint a pumpkin, ride a pony, enjoy a safe and fun family environment and learn more about Goddard!
Hooray for Safe Fall Events!