Do you have a closet full of toys your growing toddler has outgrown? Have you ever stubbed your toe on that dusty 6 month old toy that’s still in the play area? I know I have and boy, do we have a solution for you!
Austin Moms Blog meet Tub of Toys.
Tub of Toys meet Austin Moms Blog.
We met Tub of Toys owner, Paige, when she visited Austin Moms Blog. Since then we’ve learned so much about her business and I’m here to tell you that this business will change your toy-buying-life in more ways than one! Tub of Toys is a local, eco-friendly, online toy rental program that delivers squeaky clean toys to Austin area families. They help you save money while still being able to provide a wide array of educational toys to your children.
It works in three simple steps after you visit
1.) You select your toys from either the age category you see on the right, the brand category you see on the right or by searching the catalog linked on the left.
2.) You schedule your delivery and within a week you’ll receive your shipment of toys. It’s important that I mention that each toy goes through an extensive sanitation process and is then shrink wrapped for a extra protection against little germs *unless you sanitize the brand new toys you purchase at the toy store, these are probably cleaner since who knows whose hands have touched those toys while on the shelf*
3.) You start looking for your next shipment of toys.
One month of toys is $25.00 plus tax and the VALUE of that $25 tub is more than $100! Think of the money you’ll save!
The 100% BEST thing about Tub of Toys is that it’s an Austin born company like Nurtre Me. We love featuring stories about great entrepreneurial Austin mommies. Be sure to “like” their Facebook page by clicking here and comment below if you have any questions for Paige!
Great idea, Paige!
I think this is such a great idea!!! Once we grow out of our current toys, I’ll definitely be reaching out to Tub of Toys!!!
I don’t know if renting toys is a good idea. We never know what will be the sources of these toys. Bacteria and viruses can spread by exchanging of toys.