Let’s play a word association game.  When I say “WOD” what comes to mind?  Maybe “wod” of cash or spit “wod”…definitely not “I can’t wait to WOD!”

In the world of CrossFit Round Rock, “WOD” means “Work Out of the Day.” In my first week of attempting to rock CrossFit, I’ve learned that the “WOD” typically appears simpler than it is.  Here is the “WOD” from this past Saturday (11/5).  We had 15 minutes to do 20 Med Ball Cleans, 40 Over Head Lunges with same med ball, 60 Sledge Hammers and 80 Kettle Bell Hand to Hand.

Now, at first glance one might think…ohh..we’re each cleaning 20 med balls. No big deal. That works the arms and gets the adrenaline going.  WRONG.  I’m going to have nightmares because of this med ball clean business.  You take a med ball (I got the baby one because I’m the CrossFit baby) and pick it up (while squatting) then…you shrug your shoulders while holding the ball pick your elbows up like a chicken and then flip you hands and squat again…exactly…it doesn’t make any sense to me either.  Poor Aggie, my awesome coach, probably thinks I’m challenged because I couldn’t get this dang move to save my life. Basically “clean” refers to the movement being completed with impeccable form and has nothing to do with germs.  I ended up doing 30 Med Ball Dirty, which wasn’t the goal, but I can’t move my legs or arms so I did something right.The ladies I am privileged to sweat with were definitely thinking “Bless Your Heart,” because as I learned on Saturday…that’s the way us Southern Women say “You idiot!”

I’m not going to go into each and every move but basically you move NON-STOP and like they say in class “every rep counts” and it does..I was the only one who didn’t get through the “WOD” on Saturday but I felt the burn and still feel the burn and can’t sit down without bracing myself. Oh and I will say that I discovered that I can swing a kettle bell hand to hand like no other Austin Moms Blogger!

I took Sunday off and relaxed with the family.  My husband wanted to go to the park but since I didn’t have good leg control, I let him go to the park while I stretched a little.

Yesterday was my first one-on-one with Adrien where we talked about Bye Bye Belly and she measured my jiggly bits. I officially have a point of reference for the beginning of my journey and a way to track my progress.

Weight: 151.2 (You can close your gaped open mouth, now!)

Body Fat Percentage: 31.06%

Yikes.  I’m not going to lie, I was a lot depressed when I saw those numbers.  My perceived mommy self was not that out of shape.  BUT all I can do is look forward and because of those gorgeous numbers up there, the plan is for me to do 100% Bye Bye Belly and CrossFit Round Rock three days a week for 4 weeks.  We’ll measure periodically and I’ll keep my AMB mommies posted.  Hopefully by the end of four weeks, I’ll look sexier or at least skinnier leaner doing this funky move…I have to keep reminding my self that I’m not going for “skinny,” I am going for lean and healthy. Repeat: Lean and healthy.

Aside from “Project CrossFit Round Rock” kicking my butt into gear, I have met some AWESOME ladies and mommies which is a complete bonus for a newish Austinite!

Don’t forget to enter this week’s giveaway for a photo session with Sweet Pixel Photography!



  1. V, I’m so so so proud of you! Not for doing this and committing yourself, but for being vulnerable enough to be honest with our readers! You’re amazing!


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