When Lincoln was classified as a “slow crawler” I started looking into programs that could help push him in the right direction and get him MOVING! I came across Little Gym at South Austin by the Cost Co at William Cannon and Mopac.
Cindy, the owner was so friendly and knowledgeable and knew just what class to put Lincoln in that could help stimulate him. We first started by going during the open gym time. The staff was so amazing and would always spend one on one time with Lincoln showing me some things to do at home with him to encourage crawling. After a few weeks of open gym time, his summer class started up and we were in a more controlled environment where for 1 hour we would sing songs, play with balls, blow bubbles, do gymnastics, etc. One of the greatest things about Little Gym is that the prices fit within just about any budget.
Eventually Lincoln learned how to crawl and while I don’t know if it was from our time at the Little Gym or not, I do know that he loved going each week and it forced us to do something different and challenging with our day. Which is totally worth it in my book!