I am a list maker…I will make lists about lists….insane I know 😉 I love that feeling when I cross something off my list. I am also a goal oriented person and love the perfect combination of calm and chaos {you know that if you read my bio}. Us moms are crazy busy, so why not have 52 more things to do, right?!? Sure why the hell not.

I got the idea of Project 52 {See it here on my family blog} from a blogger friend/classmate.  I started 2 years ago for New Year’s. I did okay my first year and accomplished quite a bit, but not everything. That bugs me, but I have only myself to blame. So because I like a challenge, I decided to do it again this year. I am determined!

Before I started my list I thought I would have a hard time coming up with that many goals for the year {52 goals, 52 weeks…get it?!} but once I got started the ideas just kept coming. I had to actually cut my list down. They range from very simple to get done, to much harder and/or out of my control. i.e.: “get my kitchen-aid mixer” {I just have to go buy it and haven’t} to “find baby girl Krause” {it is really difficult to just walk out the door and go get me a baby…legally anyway}. I try and do an update on my progress once a month, some months are good and others no so much.

So far I feel pretty optimistic about my accomplishments, some major ones being:

  • got my new blender {that I am so in love with!!!}
  • got new carpet in the master bedroom
  • official make-over of my 2 big boys room has begun
  • eating new foods
  • trying new recipes
  • got invisaligns and will be done in September!
  • Florida trip is being planned
  • money has been donated to charities and continues
  • got paint samples for the whole inside today {now I just have to make decisions…yikes}
  • have done major cleaning out in the house and garage
  • reading more! lots more

Other goals that are not done that I am anxious about {even though I still have 8 months to complete}:

  • coping with anxiety better LOL damn irony 😉
  • find baby girl Krause
  • learning to LOVE running…I did start running at least, just don’t love it yet
  • homemade Halloween costumes – what the hell was I thinking?!?
  • oh..learn to sew. see above goal. crap.

I think it is important for us to have goals, something to look forward too, and some times even a reward at the end for your accomplishments. I don’t have a reward per say for finishing my Project 52 other than knowing I get to cross off 52 things off my list {insert squeals of delight haha!}…I guess I could come up with some thing I love as a treat 😉 Hmmmm…might have to put some thought into that.

What are your goals? Would you give Project 52 a try? Or how about Project 37 since that is how many weeks are left in 2012…I dare you to try!


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  1. This is awesome! I wish we could do this…maybe we will try! We made a family fitness goal one year of doing a 5K and it never happened. This is WAY more ambitious than that!

    •  It is pretty ambitious, but even if you only complete half it still feels really good especially seeing it typed out and crossed off. Shows you what you accomplished all while doing the day to day routine 🙂 Give it a whirl!


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