westlake dermatologyStretch marks, also known as striae, occur when the body expands faster than the skin can keep up with, causing the elastic fibers under the skin surface to break. Hormones, mechanical stress or stretch and genetic predisposition can all influence the development and severity of striae.  Times in life when these conditions can be present including puberty, pregnancy, growth spurts and rapid weight loss or gain are some of the more causes. For many women, one of the biggest fears about pregnancy is the development of stretch marks which leads many expecting mothers begin to look for a good way to prevent stretch marks or reduce or treat the stretch marks they have developed during and after pregnancy. In fact, stretch marks are one of the most common skin related concerns from pregnant patients who come to our practice.

With an estimated 50-90% of all pregnant women developing stretch marks at some point during their pregnancy, we wanted to share some of the most common tips from a physician’s perspective.

Stretch Mark Prevention

For some women, it is impossible to completely prevent stretch marks because many causes cannot be controlled. These factors include:

  • Genetics
  • How a person’s body adapts to pregnancy
  • The size of the baby

However, there are some causes of stretch marks that may – at least partially – be within your control. Factors such as diet, the rate of weight gain, and the usage of certain lotions and creams can certainly help when it comes to the prevention or minimization of stretch marks.

Diet: A nutritious and healthy diet is an often overlooked necessity when it comes to skin health. Getting the proper amount of water and skin protecting vitamins and minerals like Vitamins A, C, and E can help the skin develop more elasticity. This increased elasticity can help the skin resist marking as it expands.

Weight Gain: Rapid weight gain can have a huge effect on whether or not you develop stretch marks. Rapid weight gain surprises the skin and prevents it from having the proper time necessary to adjust and adapt. The skin is forced to stretch and expand, stressing the collagen and elastin fibers resulting in stretch marks. A simple way to combat this is to monitor your weight gain during pregnancy and stay within a healthy zone as supported by your physician.

Stretch Mark Lotions: There are a myriad of lotions and creams on the market that promise to reduce or even prevent stretch marks if used consistently. It’s important to note that there are no studies to support that the use of these lotions actually prevent stretch marks. However, moisturizing can prevent skin irritation and is a good component to overall skin health.

Treating Stretch Marks Post Pregnancy

Chances are most women will develop some form of stretch marks during their pregnancy, even if they devote much effort to preventing them. Fortunately there are a number of treatments that can either completely remove stretch marks or at least lesson their visual effect on the skin. Specifically there are various laser treatments for stretch mark reduction that are completely safe and non-invasive (see our laser page for more info).

The bottom line is that you may in fact develop stretch marks during your pregnancy no matter how much time and effort you put into prevention. If you have stretch marks that you would like to remove Westlake Dermatology can help. Either contact us or leave a comment below.

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