When Caroline was born, actually, let me back up. Before Caroline was born I started following Young House Love. YHL is a DIY Home blog featuring the tales of the easy-to-love couple Sherry and John Petersick. Through my journey of reading their DIY blog I learned they they were expecting and ultimately had a baby. When their baby girl, Clara, was born they did an amazing project where they documented her weekly growth in pictures. I loved that idea.

So when Caroline was finally born, I decided to do something similar. However, not being the crafty, DIY mom like Sherry, this girl (me) took it to Facebook to keep all of these critical memories to Caroline’s first year of life. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some Facebook, BUT…we all know that it’s a trend. Overtime Facebook user-ship for our generation (the progressively older, but not less fabulous mothers) is going to dwindle and one day I won’t even REMEMBER my login, much less reference my Facebook album titled “CGB: Weekly Photo.”
When Allison blogged about OneDay, I was immediately intrigued. I created my account two minutes after reading the blog and knew that I had some uploading to do. I started with the basics of who I am and who the important people in my life are and then went on to uploading.
I started with Caroline’s weekly photo project. This is something I poured a lot of energy into and it’s very special to me. So special, in fact, that we made Caroline’s grandparents books with the information. Talk about a labor of love…transferring stuff from Facebook (screenshots, copying and pasting, etc.) to a Shutterfly book. I’d rather eat glass than do that again. Here is a snapshot of the early stages of my uploading into OneDay. I love the timeline. It makes going through memories so simple. Caroline also loved looking at “that baby” and the funny faces she made throughout the years.

I digress.
While uploading Caroline’s weekly photos into OneDay I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I think about the dwindling of social media all of the time, and now I know that my sweet memories with Caroline are preserved. Talk about milestone management. What a life saver!
Next to be uploaded and time capsuled are several letters I have written Caroline throughout the years. Here’s the first one I’m working on a time capsule for!
Are you ready to start your own time capsules with OneDay? Use code: AMOMS2014 to sign up today!
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