After experiencing a not so wonderful relationship in college, I remember writing down in my journal the qualities in a man I desired (I was probably sobbing at the time).   It can be hard as a woman to find a man that fits your perfect list. I mean, c’mon, let’s be realistic. However, I believe it is important to know what you want and especially what you don’t want in a man.
Here are a few reasons why I knew my husband, Alex, was the right one for me. And ultimately my top 8 husband material qualities.
- Friends First! My husband was my best guy friend for 3 years prior to dating – We really got to know each other without intimacy or lust involved. Physical love can really fog a woman’s mind and confuse the heart.   Thankfully, once we realized we were attracted to each other, we already knew each other’s personalities to a T. We dated and were married within a year.
- Doesn’t Take Himself Too Serious – He laughs with me and isn’t afraid to be silly.  He will take me dancing, and after a few drinks will join me on the dance floor.
- Loves his family, friends and God– Alex would do anything for his friends and family. He’s the guy you call when you need help moving. He also strives to follow God’s example and be a spiritual leader.
- Hardworking – He works extremely hard every day and never complains. I mean, I complain a lot about having to get out of bed to go to work. I never hear one negative word out of Alex about his daily duties. He inspires me daily to be better at what I do and to pursue my career goals.Â
- Adventurous – His travel for passion is as strong as mine. We studied abroad together in Salzburg, Austria for 6 months, and loved every minute. You really know someone when you travel with him or her, and we traveled all over Europe together. Since then we have made it a priority to travel at least one place new every year.
- Apologizes FIRST – Ladies, this is a tough one for me. When we’re arguing, it’s very hard for me to apologize and get over the fight we were just in (all I really want is a hug, and I would be fine). Alex is usually the first one to say he’s sorry, which means the world to me.
- Dreams of being a Dad – I remember in college asking him what he was most excited for about the future. He would always talk about how he couldn’t wait to be a Dad, and that it would be the best day of his life. It would bring tears to his eyes just talking about it. I knew then that he was a giant teddy bear, and he had the softest heart.
- Handy Man – I knew early on before marriage that I wanted to marry a Jack-of-all trades type of man. A guy that could fix your sink, build a table and cook a delicious dinner (growing up my Dad did most of the cooking). I know I might be asking a lot, but God knew exactly what I wanted. Alex may not cook very often, but he sure knows his way around a tool. Our house wouldn’t know what to do without him.

How did you know your man was the right one for you? If you haven’t met him yet, do you have specific things you want in a husband?