Loving your body isn’t an easy feat for most women regardless of your age or station in life. Having a child changes your body. Even if you get your body “back” it’s not the same. It has grown and supported life and that changes it.
Like many, I struggled with my body. Between 7th grade and 8th I went from a B cup to a double D cup. This led to depression and like many I ate my feelings, which led me to go from a size 6 in 8th grade to a 12/14 in 9th. I wasn’t comfortable with how I looked but for me it went even deeper than that, I wasn’t comfortable with who I was. By the end of high school, therapy, and an eating disorder I was to a healthier weight but not a healthier me. It would take years for me to become comfortable with who I was and feel confident in my own skin separate from everyone else.
Then I got pregnant…
At first I was thrilled! Then the reality that my body was now supporting another hit me. Between the restrictions to your diet, the nausea, the heartburn, the stretchmarks, the swelling, and then the pains, your insecurities go out the window whether you want them to or not, and that’s BEFORE labor. No one tells you that the changes don’t stop there.
The pressure to jump back into your body like an actress who got a tummy tuck is real and ridiculous. For me it really changed when my son was about a year old because now he was eating what I ate. I learned that supporting a child didn’t stop with birth or the end of breastfeeding. Right then I started changing what I ate and made healthy choices because those are the choices I hope he makes.
My child has changed my body inside and out. I have stretchmarks from the extra week that my son spent in the womb. I have scars from the multiple epidural attempts I had to have. I have muscles I never had from exercising to be healthy because of him. The reality is that your body will inevitably change. However, these changes can be for the better if you pursue being the best version of you that is attainable.
Through effort and persistence the evolution of becoming a mother can be a highlight of your life, rather than an obstacle. Love your mombod for all it is.