I read something recently where a blogger said that when someone says “they hoped for healthy babies” it was hurtful to those who have had babies who were not born healthy. I do not feel that way. I had a baby who was born healthy, but not perfect. We did not get to do skin to skin when he was born and he underwent a number of tests in his first month. We endured a cross-country trip for a 13-plus hour surgery at age three and still wears a hearing aid. He’ll have to go through at least one if not more surgeries as he gets older.
Ever since I found out we were expecting again there is one thing I felt — hoping for a healthy baby. I am not at all preoccupied this time with old wives tales of boy vs girl or anything else. I just want healthy. Going into our first appointment I was beyond nervous. While we haven’t finished all our genetic testing yet, seeing that little bean on the screen, heart beating faster than big brother’s ever did, and moving all around, a peace fell over me. All my worries seemed to if not dissipate, at least pause.
It doesn’t upset me that I am hoping for a healthy baby. It doesn’t lessen our son to me and shouldn’t for anyone else. Every child is special and I don’t believe any parent hopes for their child to have to battle in their life due to health issues. Those that do are just as special as those that do not, but it is not something I would hope for. Our son is probably more excited about his future sibling than anyone (it was literally his birthday wish last year) and he’ll tell you the same thing, he doesn’t care boy or girl… just that he is hoping for a healthy baby.