We often hear about meditation as being a necessary way to unplug from our busy, over connected, over stimulated 2019 lives, but it’s a practice that’s been around for over 5,000 years. According to Google, We can thank Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for bringing meditation to the mainstream. He’s the founder of the Transcendental Meditation movement, “who taught the Beatles to meditate, made “mantra” a household word in the 1970’s and built a multi-million-dollar empire on a promise of inner harmony and world peace”. Fast forward to present day, and the meditation “trend” is a huge part of our culture.
There are meditation classes, meditation studios, apps on our iphones, countless books on the philosophy, and even meditation pods in common work spaces.

I couldn’t help but wonder….Why am I so late to the mediation party?
I’ve been a yoga student for 12 years, and have heard great things about what meditation can do for the mind, body, and soul. However, my meditation practice didn’t stretch beyond savasana after yoga class… and even that was difficult some days!! {I’ve got “ants in my pants” and staying still is a challenge} BUT I will try about anything for a bit more CALM and inner peace in my life. So I decided to see if meditation was worth the hype. Guess what??? 39 days into my meditation practice, and so far so good!! Here’s how this type A, “On the go” Mama has been able to incorporate meditation in my life!
Maybe it will inspire you to begin your practice and give back to yourself!
Make Time!
For me, meditation works best in the early AM, immediately after I wake up. I meditate for 5-10 minutes while my coffee brews. I get clear about my day and then journal directly afterwards about the “stuff” that comes up. It’s so helpful to organize my anxious thoughts or crazy epiphanies or just write out my goals for the day/week/month.. Or even hour!
The key to creating a routine around meditation is to find a time and space that works for you. Think about your day. Are there slower moments of calm in your day that you can carve out time for meditation? Right after you wake up, kids’ nap time, your lunch break at work, post workout, right after school drop off? Start to take ownership of these moments, schedule meditation and savor it!
Just Breathe
One of my yoga teachers taught me Dirga Breath or 3 part breath. It’s a super simple and she outlines it so clearly, here.
1. Find a comfortable seat and if you are in a chair uncross your legs and let the soles of your feet find the ground.
2. Inhale: Start to fill your low belly with breath then let the air move into expand the chest/ heart space and then into the throat/ temple area.
3. Exhale: let the air exit in the exact opposite way of the inhalation- throat, chest, belly. Repeat for 10 breaths or more!
4. Sit for a moment- What do you notice? Do you feel lighter, clearer?
I’ve also heard great things about Box Breathing. You breath in or inhale your breath for a count of four, hold your breath for four, and exhale for four. Continue for 4 minutes.
Stay Consistent
Habits are formed in about 30 days, so commit for a month and see if it’s worth your time. I’m 39 days in, and now I crave it. I notice differences between mornings I keep my meditation “appointment” and mornings I skip it.
Just Be
Enjoy the quiet, repeat a mantra, give thanks, take the precious 5 minutes and relax! Focus on your breath and calm your thoughts. There is no right or wrong way {or time} to meditate. The goal is to make your mind feel relaxed. The job of motherhood can leave you feeling depleted, anxious, crazy, and exhausted. That’s exactly why even the briefest of meditative moments can soothe your soul and rejuvenate your spirit.
I do sound meditation with crystal bowls. It is amazing. I liked it so much I did training and purchased my own set of sound bowls. Now I give sound meditations for others. Very gratifying. Many testify that they leave lighter, more peaceful and have the best sleep ever! My kids ages 8 and 10 also love the sounds of the crystal bowls. This summer I did a Mindful camp where children not only got to meditate to the sound of crystal bowls but also was able to play them during a mediation. Just can’t express enough how wonderful sound healing is for the soul!
Thank you for reaching out! I’d love to learn more about your mindful camp for my kids!!
I’m not a mom, but I can vouch for the importance of habitual meditation! It has made me a calmer and more present person 🙂