Photo Cred: Jessica Rockowitz Photography + Film

My diaper bag is an ever-evolving thing. I am an enneagram type 1/ type A personality so lists are my best friends, and I started a list of what I’d need in my little one’s diaper bag about 2 months before she was born. At all times I planned to have:

  • 4 disposable diapers
  • A wet bag for the cloth diaper she’d be wearing when we left the house
  • A changing pad
  • HAND SANITIZER — so much sanitizer.
  • A pack of wipes
  • A pack of Boogie Wipes — if you don’t have these, I highly recommend for cleaning sticky little hands and snotty little noses
  • Her essential oils for cranky days, upset tummies, and stuffy noses
  • 2 sets of clothing for her (more if we’d be out of the house longer than a few hours)
  • A swaddling blanket/nursing cover — our favorite blanket is a Jurassic Park one from Little Unicorn
  • 2 burp cloths
  • A hat for her little head – born in the winter time! (But I also keep a sun hat in her bag now)
  • Diaper Rash Ointment — We use Burt’s Bees and have never had a problem last longer than 24 hours! Though we also now use coconut oil more frequently. We also used this for her cradle cap!
  • Probiotic/Vitamin D drops – We use Gerber but only because it’s what her pediatrician gave us as a trial.

I also planned to have the following things for me, since I wasn’t about to carry a purse, her diaper bag, and her!

  • Water — Especially since I planned to nurse (and am still nursing)
  • A snack — because I had heard I’d be hungry all the time. I usually carry an Rx bar or a Lara bar.
  • My nipple butter — I used Earth Mama which was also good for chapped lips!

Now that she’s a little older, it has evolved quite a bit. I’ve taken out the blanket because it’s currently 100 degrees or more every day and I’m not going to cover her while she eats! I have added:

  • Teething toys galore
  • Hyland’s teething tablets — there are day and night time ones, these have saved us more than once!
  • Clove oil — we use Wellements baby tooth oil… this is also for teething pain!
  • Snacks for baby — she isn’t fond of pureed baby food, but she does like quinoa puffs from Sprout! These saved us on our flight to Michigan last month.
  • Swim diaper — because you never know when you’ll need it!
  • A water bottle for her — We tried the 360 cup and one with a rubbery spout and she definitely prefers the latter.

I know this will continue to evolve as she gets older! It has also changed depending on the plan for the day; when she goes to the babysitter she needs more clothing, more food, etc. And when flying you need more diapers and changes of clothing than you think… take it from the expert who learned by having to buy a $30 onesie in an airport! And I’ve also learned that no matter how good my intentions are at always having my bag well-organized and stocked… there will always be those days I forget to add more diapers, my little one has a blow-out, and has to sit in it!

Anything stick out to you as missing from this list?

I know that for mommas who pump or who don’t nurse, there are quite a few pieces of equipment I’m missing, so please comment with your hacks for pumping and/or bottle feeding for diaper bags! Anything you have in your diaper bag that you think everyone else should have, too? Please comment below and let us know!


Hannah Haro
Hannah Haro, PT, DPT is a physical therapist, wife to Daniel and mom to Mina (2018). She was born and raised in a small northern Michigan town, is bilingual, helps run a soccer clinic for kids with disabilities, is a Christian, and a partner at the Austin Stone Community Church. Though Hannah currently works as a PT in a pro bono clinic at University of St Augustine, she has previously worked as a babysitter, downhill ski instructor, math teacher, barista, and health coach. She likes to say she is in the business of rehabilitation: of people, as a PT; and of homes, as she and her husband are now on renovations for house #4 in as many years. She also loves coffee and anything chocolate, enjoying the green spaces of Austin, and a really good sci fi/fantasy novel while curled under a blanket.


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