Photo Credit: Jessica Rockowitz Photography + Film

Mom and baby… goes hand in hand since day one. From breastfeeding to soothing sessions at 2am, and the list continues.

But…daddy needs some love also!

Some fathers tend to struggle with building the initial bond with their newborn. Ladies, encourage them to jump in, don’t let them get frustrated.

My top 6 pro tips on Dad and baby bonding below!

  1. Dad joins bedtime routine! Encourage Papa to change the baby into their pajamas, prepare their swaddle, and enjoy the last few smiles before bed. If we are in bottle territory, let Dad give baby the last bottle before bed. Baby will remember dad’s face.
  2. Skin to skin interactions are a proven way to bond with your child, both moms and dads release hormones such as oxytocin, prolactin, and endorphins. These hormones help you emotionally bond with your baby. Dad’s heartbeat can also serve as a calming mechanism and provide a sense of comfort.
  3. Reading time! Dad can be in charge of reading books with your baby.  Once your kiddo is three months old, they start to enjoy looking at pictures of faces, shapes, and colors. Baby will eventually start making sounds and reaching for the book.
  4. Fill the bath with bubbles, have dad hop in and enjoy a fun bath with baby. This can be a great way for baby to become more comfortable with water and gives some extra quality time to play. A perfect way to end the day.
  5. Take a night shift and give mom the night off! Stock a few bottles of breastmilk or formula and have dad prepared to jump up when baby wakes up. Better yet, let Mom sleep in the other room so she can enjoy uninterrupted sleep for a night!
  6. Many companies now offer the opportunity for dads to enjoy some paid leave once baby arrives. Those first few weeks can be hectic and an adjustment for the entire family.  This time can really help solidify a new routine and provide an extra set of hands.

Successful father-infant bonding during the newborn period has proved to have several benefits. It begins to form the foundation of their relationship and let’s be honest, it gives mom a bit of a break 😊

What are your Daddy and baby bonding techniques?

I’d love to hear what works for your family!





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