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How to Help Your Kids Fall in Love with Dental Hygiene

It’s February which means love (and chocolates!) are in the air.

It’s wonderful to take a step back and appreciate the love we feel for and from our spouses, friends, family, and kids.

However, February is also National Kids’ Dental Health month which, while important, doesn’t spark as much affection and excitement that roses and sweets can. So how can we help our kids find enjoyment in practicing good hygiene like they would delving into a box of chocolates?

Toon Up the Toothbrush

Is your kid a big fan of Star Wars or Frozen? Make teeth brushing fun by getting their favorite character on their toothbrush! This makes an association of something they love and brings it into the daily dental routine.

Game Time

Everything’s better when you make it a game! Similar to how we try to coax babies into eating their food by taking the “choo choo train” to the “station”, you can turn teeth brushing time into a game. Dare your brave kiddo to combat the army of sugar bugs or pretend each tooth is a car or animal that has to be washed thoroughly. This makes a seemingly boring chore into a fun activity!

Dance It Out

We know it’s best for kids and adults alike to brush for a full two minutes but brushing for that long holds about the same appeal as doing a plank for two minutes. To combat brush time boredom, create a Spotify playlist of your littles’ favorite songs and let them dance it out while they brush it out! This can also help get out any last minute energy before bed or set the tone for the day ahead!

Family Fun

Spending time together as a family can be hard with work, school, chores, and extracurriculars. Finding those pockets of time to engage with another is super important and teeth brushing can be that time. When your kids are first starting to learn about taking care of their teeth, get the whole family in on toothbrushing time! If your child plays a special game or has an awesome playlist, dance it out with them or play the game with them. Not only will you be meeting them where they’re at and spending some extra time with them, you are also modeling proper oral hygiene as well.

Star System

For older children, setting up a reward system can be a great way to challenge your child in a positive way. Make a chart and for every time the brush and floss their teeth, they earn a star and a certain number of stars can build up to a privilege or toy. This is also a great way to set up accountability and form good habits.

Choices, Choices

If your child is 4 going on 14, wrangling that independent spirit can make even the most simplistic tasks a challenge. For kids 8 and under, it is crucial to oversee their oral hygiene practices until they are able to do so on their own. By allowing them a choice in things like what color toothbrush they have or what flavor toothpaste they use, you can enable them to take more ownership in the process.

Establish a Dental Home

Taking your child to a dentist that provides a safe, consistent, and fun atmosphere is key for developing their dental care.

At Lone Star Pediatric Dental and Braces, our goal is to bring the highest quality care by doctors who specialize in kids’ dentistry in a caring and engaging environment.

We focus extensively on bringing an exceptional patient experience so as kids grow, they can see the dentist as something to look forward to instead of something to fear. This allows our patients to thrive as they learn the importance of oral care.


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