Dear Moms working on a degree, first let me say, I see you and I appreciate you. Second, no you aren’t crazy, it is hard. It is infinitely harder with children around.
This past summer, in the midst of a global pandemic, I decided to start my Master’s degree. Obviously, because I’m a glutton for punishment, because WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO WORK ON A MASTER’S DEGREE WHILE STUCK AT HOME WITH A CHILD DURING A PANDEMIC??!
It has been interesting to say the least. My husband is back working in his office, so I have been taking my classes via Zoom while my four year old plays in the background. He has made several appearances in my classes. One time he even ran in the background naked while my class was having a guest presenter. I didn’t even notice until the guest presenter said “Oh…there’s a naked child on the screen.” So there was that. Super fun. And that is only one example of the fun we’ve had while I work on my degree.
The point is mamas, it’s hard. And I applaud you for doing it anyway.
Whether it be your first, second, third, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, high school degree, or extra certification, YOU ARE DOING IT.
You will continue to do it. One day you will finish, and you will be glad you did. All of this work isn’t for nothing. Your children are watching you and your resilience. They see how you persevere even when it’s hard. They see you continue even when you want to throw in the towel. Children learn most from what we model, and mama, you are being one heck of a model for the importance of education.
So, be proud. Keep your head up, and go get that degree.
Another mom who feels your pain.