Pregnancy is beautiful but it also comes with many changes and can sometimes cause you to experience anxiety. If you’re pregnant with your first baby, you’re nervous and worried that you may not be able to provide all the love this little one may require. You may have insecurities about whether or not you can do it all. You’re unsure if you’ll be able to work outside of the home while your baby is away from you for 8 hours during the week. If you’re a veteran mom during pregnancy, you may be worried about starting over with a new baby. You don’t feel prepared. You’re not sure if adding another little one to your family will be too overwhelming. Your life is your kids but you’re already overwhelmed with all that you have to juggle.
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When I was pregnant with my first son, I was 27 years old and still didn’t feel ready. I knew that he would be depending on me for everything. My husband and I were newly married and we weren’t quite sure if we wanted to relocate. We were ready for somewhere different but just didn’t know where. It was getting really close to my due date and we still had no clue about where we were going to start the next chapter of our lives. How could we offer this little one stability when we felt so unstable? My goal was to have everything perfectly mapped out before we had children. How could I not be prepared?
I remember the day he made his way into the world. My pregnancy resulted in an emergency C-section and it was scary. I was panicking as the doctors panicked because my baby was panicking. He was stuck and their concern was that he couldn’t breathe. When they were finally able to get him out of my belly and I heard him cry, I remember taking a deep and then sobbing. I looked over to my right and my husband and my mom were also sobbing. At that moment, every feeling of anxiety and worry we had about the future was all gone. The fact that I was able to see those big cheeks, feel that soft skin, and hear his voice made everything better. I was no longer concerned because I knew, because of him, that we would figure it out. I knew that just him being here was a part of the plan and the plan was good. That no matter where we decided to move, having him with us would make it all worth it.
Our stories may not be the same. Our experiences may be different. However, I know that the worry, doubt, fear, and anxiety of being a mama-to-be are real. But you’ve got this mama! You are strong and capable enough to navigate the waters of motherhood. You will figure it and things will fall into place. Your baby knows your heart. Literally, the baby is listening to your heartbeat and they know that mama’s heart beats for them. You may feel nervous and that’s normal. You may feel unprepared during your pregnancy and that’s to be expected. Just know that YOU are strong enough for this and everything will be okay.
Photo Credit :: Allison Turpen Photography