And just like that – Women’s History Month comes to an end.
But as we all know – women make history (support it, clean up after it and manage it) all year round. Every year, Women’s History Month is a chance to reconnect with the stories that got us to the place where we are now. The amazing women who have kicked through barriers and on whose shoulders we stand.
This year, let’s take that inspiration and carry their spirit thought the next 11 months. Women’s voices and care are needed now more than ever.
Support women-owned businesses – you’ve got stuff to do, eat, and accomplish. Who better understands what you need than a woman-owned business? Bonus points for local businesses owned by women of color! Here’s a list for inspiration.
Mentor – it doesn’t have to be a formal arrangement. Just be intentional about reaching back and pulling other women up. There was a great panel at SXSW with several comedians who were featured in the new documentary, “Hysterical”, about the particular struggles and progress of women in comedy. Fortune Feimster (she has a special on Netflix and has been on TV a few times, including on The Mindy Project) talked about how much it meant to have women who’d attained success make sure that they created space for her and others. You don’t have to be Tina Fey to make a difference!
Say Thank You – This is the flip side of mentoring. Remember that teacher that inspired you? Did you have a boss that set you up for success? Did someone recommend you, give you a pathfinding book, point you in the right direction, talk you off the ledge, distract the crowd while you escaped before you made a big mistake (just me)? Tell them thank you and why what they did was meaningful. Even if it was 20 years ago, it will mean a lot.
Don’t be a mean girl – For real y’all – there’s room for lots of different women in this community. There’s no ‘right’ way to do this and there’s so much to be gained by listening, caring and uplifting each other. If Beyonce and Taylor Swift can do it, so can we.
See all you history-making women next year!