Did you guys know that March 21st is National Single Parent Day? I’ve been a single mom for what seems like forever and had no idea! But I am so glad to know that it exists. Sometimes the journey of single parenthood can make you feel a little invisible even when you have a village supporting you.
RELATED READING :: On Single Parents Day
Now that we know Single Parent Day is a thing, let’s take a moment to commemorate the day somehow. Here are a few ideas:
- Celebrate the wins! I don’t care how many “oh gosh, I’ve failed” moments you’ve had. On this day, we aren’t even paying attention to those. Carve out a moment and journal how you’re rocking it as a parent. After you write them down, read them out loud to yourself in the mirror. Sometimes you gotta be your own hype woman! Make that habit in your life.
- TAKE A NAP! I know that sounds small and, to some, impossible. Set your alarm for at least an hour and take a nap, sis. Do it, and don’t feel bad about it. I realize that most of the time, it’s for that very reason that I don’t take naps.
- Gratitude – Having a support system makes all the difference. When I first moved to TX, I had no one, and it was always scary and stressful. Treat someone in your village to coffee or send a text just to say thank you. It took years to find my village and goodness; I am so thankful for them. I also had to learn to accept invites for my kids to go back to VA to be with nanna during the summer. It’s important to be thankful for that.
- Do something that brings you joy. Watch your favorite movie, eat your favorite food, have a glass of “mommy juice, whatever you love doing but don’t get to often…do that and enjoy every single moment of it!
- Buy yourself flowers. I occasionally do this to make myself feel good and bring joy into the house or my workspace. It’s a total mood booster on days that you need it. This is also something you could do on any random day.
I’m a big believer in celebrating beyond designated days. Being a parent is a big deal, even when you’re doing it with a partner. There will be hard days, but there are also so many fun, beautiful, absolutely magical moments. For those who think being a single parent somehow makes you less than others (I’ve had those feelings, too), let go of those thoughts. You’re a whole superhero! Being a single parent takes strength, bravery, and resilience. Even on the worst day, you’re doing a great job! If no one has told you lately, let me tell you; YOU ARE THE BOMB GIRLFRIEND, AND YOUR KIDDOS THINK SO TOO! Oh, and happy national single parent day!