Celebrate Earth Day today and every day! This Earth Day, let’s open ourselves to the possibility that we can make a change for the better for our only home, Earth. It is imperative to raise our awareness and protect the beautiful land that we are gifted with so that it will remain one that our families will thrive in and enjoy for generations to come.

1. Adopt a highway or neighborhood
Organize a community cleanup. Protecting our home begins with cleaning up where we reside. Gather your neighbors and friends, trash bags and gloves, and collect any litter that may harm our planet, Earth.

2. Plant a tree, start a garden
Like in the movie, The Lorax, we understand that we need trees to survive. Trees provide oxygen for us to live and absorb carbon dioxide. Our tree life has been replaced with new homes, commercial properties, and more. So why not become a savior and plant a tree? Start a garden right in your backyard if you can not plant a tree. If you don’t have that option, create one for your window. See where I’m going with this? There are multiple ways to go green for Earth Day and beyond.

3. Recycle
I think this goes without saying, but here it goes, reduce, reuse, and recycle! We learned that in school. Recycle your plastic items, pick up trash you may have dropped outside, and dispose of it correctly. We can improve our carbon footprint by simply starting here.

4. Bee kind, learn about our pollinators
Bees are essential for life. I know and understand many of us are afraid of our little friends, but they are necessary to move pollen. Go on a scavenger hunt to learn about our pollinators and the work they put into maintaining the beauty of our flowers and more.

5. Conserve Electricity
Turn off the television and unplug the electronics that are not in use. Open up your blinds or curtains to welcome natural light. Go outside and ride your bike, hike at the park, or merely enjoy nature and all that it gives us each day.

We can protect and preserve our environment by celebrating Earth every day and not just today. Let’s do this together to enjoy the world in which we reside.


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