Every August, women come together to observe World Breastfeeding Month—a global campaign dedicated to promoting and supporting breastfeeding mothers and their babies. However this initiative is more than just a calendar event; it is a critical period for raising awareness about the profound benefits of breastfeeding and addressing the challenges that hinder its practice.

RELATED READING :: Breastfeeding Resources in Austin

National Breastfeeding Month Weekly Observances and Themes:

Week 1 (Aug. 1 to 8): Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All

Week 2 (Aug. 8 to 14): Indigenous Milk Medicine Week

Week 3 (Aug. 15 to 21): Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Week

Week 4 (Aug. 25 to 31): Black Breastfeeding Week

Week 5 (Sept. 1 to 7): Workplace Lactation Week

Week 6 (Sept. 3 to 9): Semana de La Lactancia Latina

Breastfeeding is widely recognized for its unparalleled health benefits for infants. The World Health Organization (WHO) and numerous other health bodies emphasize breastfeeding as the healthy method of infant feeding for the first six months of life. Research indicates that breast milk is a complete and highly nutritious food source that provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antibodies needed for a baby’s healthy development. It also reduces the risk of infections, such as GI and respiratory diseases, and decreases the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

The advantages of breastfeeding also benefit the mother as well. For mothers, breastfeeding can help to accelerate postpartum recovery by aiding uterine contraction and reducing the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. It also lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancers and contributes to better maternal mental health by promoting bonding with the baby and reducing the likelihood of postpartum depression.

Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin advocates for the acceptance of human milk for all babies, with priority given to mothers’ own milk, eradicating milk access disparities, and modeling best practices for lactation support while advocating for social justice.

MMBA is a non-profit organization celebrating its 22nd year of operation. We’ve helped save the lives of more than 45,000 babies by dispensing over 7.5 million ounces of donor human milk and are actively working to diminish health outcome disparities in maternal and child health.

If you are expecting a baby or need additional support during your breastfeeding journey, MMBA is offering a free breastfeeding workshop in Austin on August 22, 2024. Here’s a link to sign up.

Additional Online Resources:

La Leche League has a list of breastfeeding tips for a variety of situations to include:

Newborn Nursing
Common Concerns
Working with Breastfeeding
Special Situations

Featured Image Credit :: Charmed Life Photography

Lisa Haynes
Lisa Collins-Haynes is full-time photographer, for the past 7 years. She specializes in client work for motherhood sessions and underwater portraits. She also does commercial work in food and product photography. Lisa holds a BS in Hospitality and Tourism Management and a Masters in Business Administration. Before becoming a photographer, Lisa was an International Travel Writer and enjoyed traversing the globe and story-telling to her readership. Writing was an unexpected pathway into the diverse world of photography for her. When not working behind the lens, Lisa enjoys volunteering in the community, cooking, traveling with her husband and spending time with family and friends. She resides in North Austin; has one college-aged daughter and a grand puppy named, Cookie.


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