Amber Anderson
What Parenting has Taught me about My Marriage
If I thought I knew my husband before we had kids, I was smoking crack. Parenting has unveiled a whole new world of things that smell, mystery stains all over our clothes and more...
Family Photos with JCPenney Portraits
Can you humor me and channel your inner 90s child for a moment? You can do it, I know you can. When it was family portrait day and mom forced the matching plaid or...
How to Get Out with Two Under Two
Having two under two can feel like a combat zone. Snot rockets, blow outs and head-to-toe camo. Whether its mud or poop, one never really knows when boys are involved. Just like a war...
How to Avoid Raising Entitled Children
You know the scene, you’re at the store and your child is suddenly the expert in every toy and can’t live one more moment without owning an entire set of whatever this material waste...
7 Ways to Geek Out for “May the Fourth Be With You” {Star Wars...
I’ve been told there is 1% of the population that has never seen Star Wars; a stat that was likely made up on the spot to create a great meme. Either way, I’ve made it...
Four Reasons to Suspect Your Child is Tongue or Lip Tied
Tongue-tie.... lip-tie.... say whaaauh….?? If you’re anything like me, you’ve never heard of ties. My exposure to them wasn’t pleasant but it didn’t have to be an issue. Our little Annie went through two months...
Recognizing Postpartum Depression
For those of you in the midst of the postpartum battlefield, bravely wearing your armor -- I see you and I am going to love on you today. It's time to start recognizing postpartum...
Meet Amber Anderson
Born in Waco, raised all over the South and Southwest, I now call Austin my home. I know, roll your eyes -- I’m the transplant you all wish would just take my big Yukon...