
Chelsea Fielder-Jenks is a Central Texas native. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Lyle, and together they navigate both the joy and perils of parenthood. Chelsea is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Austin, TX and founder of Thrive Counseling & Consulting, PLLC. It is both her personal and professional mission to share messages of acceptance and validation with other moms. You can follow Chelsea on Instagram and Facebook @ThriveCounselingAustin.

Mom’s Guide to Motherhood Imposter Syndrome

A recent New York Times op-ed has brought to light an important topic that many mothers, at one time or another, have experienced. In the op-ed, Casey Wilson, a mother of two, describes her experience...

Hey, Mama! This Summer, Just Say “NO” To Diets

It never fails. Another summer, another season of obtrusive ads and messages from the diet industry to get a  “bikini body” or “lose weight and feel great.” These messages lie.  They promise that diets will lead to...

Teaching Our Children Empathy 

With all that is going on in the world today, it is easy for me to become disheartened with humanity and the direction our world seems to be going. Watching the news these days...

10 Ways Motherhood Changed Me

There's no doubt that motherhood changes you down to your core. When talking with other mothers, this certainly seems to be the consensus. I know this is certainly true for me. Here are ten ways...

How Can Moms Approach The Unbearable Tragedy of Teen Suicide?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and as a Licensed Professional Counselor who works with teens and their families, I wanted to bring attention to a difficult topic that can be concerning for moms —...

How To Thrive When Parenting Styles Conflict

When it comes to parenting, there are four basic styles that we tend to take: Authoritarian — Parents make all the decisions and expect the child to do as they say without...

The Reverse To-Do List: Putting Self-Care First

Before I had children, my go-to technique for getting things done was “delay of gratification.” Essentially, as a way to motivate myself to get unappealing things done, I would always have a reward in...

Tips For Communicating With Your Partner Without Getting Defensive 

We’ve all been there… we’ve been mid-conversation with our partner and then at some point (it often feels sudden), we find the conversation going from mutual collaboration to feeling defensive, which typically looks one...

Raising An Intuitive Eater

Raising An Intuitive Eater As a mom and a therapist who specializes in helping those with disordered eating reconnect to eating intuitively, I know the importance of letting a child’s internal cues guide their eating...

Meet Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Meet Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Hey, y’all! My name is Chelsea Fielder-Jenks and I am excited to be joining Austin Mom’s Blog! As a Central Texas native (that introductory “y’all” is authentic), I’m not new to Austin,...