Kamisha York

Kamisha York
Hey yall!! I’m Kamisha York (called Misha for short). I was born in Georgia but raised in Texas, married to my husband Wesley and mom to my three beautiful children Jayden (22), Wesley Jr. (18), and Peyton (16). I am the Executive Director of Peyton’s Allergy Shield of Hope, a 501 (c) (3) that my husband and I started in honor of our 14-year-old daughter to advocate and educate for those living with food allergies. On any given day you will find me volunteering for my daughters’ high school for the cheer booster club or racing to watching my two sons on the football field or basketball court at their high school and Texas Tech University. In my free time I love to listen to audible books, bake, and blog about how my husband and I navigate our crazy life with 3 kids and navigating our lives to accommodate our daughters multiple food allergies at www.peytonsallergyshieldofhope.org
New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions 2025

New Year’s resolutions have long been a tradition celebrated around the world as a way to mark the end of one year and the start of another. For many, resolutions are more than just...

The Teal Pumpkin Project: Guide to an Inclusive Halloween

Celebrating the holidays is one of my most favorite things to do with my children, especially Halloween! Each year the kids and I would make Halloween themed cupcakes, I would make queso, hot wings,...

Allergy-Friendly Restaurants in Austin

Food allergies affect an estimated 1 in 13 people in the United States, making eating out a potentially dangerous activity. The need for allergy safe restaurants has become increasingly important, as those with allergies,...

World Teen Mental Wellness Day

World Teen Mental Wellness Day takes place on March 2nd of every year. The day encourages people to increase awareness and break the stigma around mental health, while providing support and resources for teens...

Middle Child Day: Celebrating YOU!

August 12th marks a special day for many of us with 3 or more kids!  Yes, today is National Middle Child Day!  I’m a mother of three beautiful children, two boys and one girl. ...

May Is Food Allergy Awareness Month

The month of May is when we kick off Food Allergy Awareness Month!  This topic is so important to my family. My fourteen-year-old daughter Peyton was diagnosed at the age of three with multiple...

World Teen Mental Health Day

We acknowledge March 2, 2022, as World Teen Mental Health Day where we bring awareness to the mental health issues that our teenagers may be facing, a day to give teenagers a safe space...

Workout Options For A Fit 2022

Every year on January 1st many of us chose to make a New Year’s Resolution. The number one resolution made by many of us is to live a healthier lifestyle and jumpstart a workout...

Best Snow Cones In Austin

Best Snow Cones in Austin! With temperatures in Austin reaching mid to upper 90’s, we often treat the kids to snow cones to help cool off from these hot summer days. Austin has grown...
Dad Passed Away

My Dad Passed Away & it Changed Our Lives

January 10th, 2012 started like any other day. I woke up started breakfast for the kids, packed their lunches, and got them out the door and dropped off at school. It was not until...