Kendra Jernejcic
Mom’s Guide To Effortless Journaling
Mom's Guide To Effortless Journaling
I’ll never forget the moment I received my first journal. I was five that Christmas, and Santa knew how I'd longed for a special space of my own to record...
Why I Still Do My Own Grocery Shopping
Why I Still Do My Own Grocery Shopping
Last month I was out to dinner with a group of other moms. (Let’s just pause the story right here to give thanks for the blessing that...
How To Raise A Skeptic Without Raising A Cynic
How To Raise A Skeptic Without Raising A Cynic
When I gave birth to my son four years ago, I gazed down at his squishy, fresh-from-the-womb face and vowed to love and protect him forever....
Meet Kendra Jernejcic
Meet Kendra Jernejcic
Hey there, Austin mamas! I’m Kendra Jernejcic (pronounced jer-nay-sick) and I’m so excited to be a part of the Austin Moms Blog team!
Five years ago, if you’d told me I would one...