Kendra Jernejcic

Kendra Jernejcic
Kendra is wife to Luke and grateful SAHM to Charleston (2015) and twins Sullivan and Kalinda (2019). Born and raised in Southern California, she has called Texas home since 2016. Kendra is a hopeless bibliophile, an avid podcast listener, an Enneagram enthusiast, and a big fan of lists. Kendra’s “Good List” includes (but is not limited to): Jesus; long walks with her Labradoodle, Arlo; intense but compassionate conversations about faith, philosophy and other slightly pretentious topics; wearing ALL the accessories; and guzzling Diet Dr. Pepper like it's her job. Kendra writes about life, faith, books, and her own perfectly imperfect motherhood journey on her blog,

Mom’s Guide To Effortless Journaling

Mom's Guide To Effortless Journaling I’ll never forget the moment I received my first journal. I was five that Christmas, and Santa knew how I'd longed for a special space of my own to record...

Why I Still Do My Own Grocery Shopping

Why I Still Do My Own Grocery Shopping   Last month I was out to dinner with a group of other moms. (Let’s just pause the story right here to give thanks for the blessing that...

How To Raise A Skeptic Without Raising A Cynic

How To Raise A Skeptic Without Raising A Cynic When I gave birth to my son four years ago, I gazed down at his squishy, fresh-from-the-womb face and vowed to love and protect him forever....

Meet Kendra Jernejcic

Meet Kendra Jernejcic Hey there, Austin mamas! I’m Kendra Jernejcic (pronounced jer-nay-sick) and I’m so excited to be a part of the Austin Moms Blog team! Five years ago, if you’d told me I would one...