Lauren Wiatrek
6 Steps to Become Mom Boss Babe
(This article pairs well with a glass of wine and the song
Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise by the Avett Brothers)
Does staying home mean abandoning your professional identity and perhaps more importantly, your...
Clogged Milk Duct…or Cancer?
A warning from one young mama battling what she thought was a simple clogged milk duct, turn into her worst nightmare: cancer. She is active to help prevent other mamas from this fight.
Twelve months...
The First Year is the Hardest…
The first year is the hardest, not sure if any other mamas can relate, but for me the first year was the hardest year of my life. I am a breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and attachment...
I Choose To “Give Up”
There are so many things that I still want to accomplish in life; owning more real estate, flipping a house, achieving a higher level of education, investing more time in friends and relationships, traveling...
Girl Moms: Pressure For Daughters To Be Perfect
Where are all my girl moms at? Lately it seems that #boymom posts are all the rage. As a proud girl mom of two I scroll through these posts and ask myself how much...
The Birth Aftermath
After birth, no matter how you birthed, is no joke. As for me, I have had two natural, vaginal births. For a good two weeks you are in a serious recovery stage. For me,...
Things I Did When I Was Sleep Deprived…
Maybe some of you mamas can relate to the following scenario: you ever so gently lay your baby in their crib at 3:00 a.m. after nursing, you tip-toe to your bed, slide between your...
Meet Lauren Wiatrek
Meet Lauren Wiatrek
Hello Austin mamas! I am absolutely giddy to be writing for Austin Moms Blog. I was born and raised right here in fabulous Austin, Texas where I grew up frequenting the chilly waters of Barton...