Mallary Tenore Tarpley

Mallary Tenore Tarpley
Mallary Tenore Tarpley has two children – Madelyn (2016) and Tucker (2017) -- who are exactly 19 months apart. She adores being a mom and is happiest when she’s spending quality time with her children and her husband Troy. When she’s not lugging around one toddler and chasing the other, she works full-time as Associate Director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, and as a lecturer in the School of Journalism, at the University of Texas at Austin. She moved to Round Rock with her family in March 2017 after living in St. Petersburg, Florida, for 10 years. As a Massachusetts native, she misses her family and friends up north but feels at home in the Lone Star State. She loves writing personal essays about motherhood and occasionally publishes them on You can find her on Twitter at @mallarytenore.

How Moms Can Adopt A More Realistic View Of Self-Care

I’ve been planning my self-care staycation for months.  After celebrating Christmas with my husband, 2-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter, I’ll spend two to three days doing things for, and by, myself. I’ve told myself that...

The Cherry On Top: Recipes With This Bright Red Summer Fruit

Who doesn't love cherries around the 4th of July??  Here are our top picks for recipes with cherries sweet and a bit savory!  Cherry clafouti, from Julia Child. I'd argue that this classic French dish (pronounced...

7 Ways To Be A Positive Parent For Your Picky Eater

Not long ago, my husband was on call and I was home alone with my 3-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son. Both kids were crying and vying for my attention, so I did the best...

Running The Marathon Of Life And Motherhood

I’ve been a runner for as long as I can remember. Not long after I turned 3, my mom signed me up for youth track and field in the small Massachusetts town where I...

Mom’s Guide To Working From Home

Mom's Guide To Working From Home When I was pregnant with my daughter, I worked from home as the director of a nonprofit. “That’s so nice!” people would say. “You won’t have to pay for childcare!” I...

Meet Mallary Tenore Tarpley

Meet Mallary Tenore Tarpley Hello! My name is Mallary Tenore Tarpley, and I’m a mother of two. My daughter, Madelyn, was born in February 2016 and my son Tucker was born in September 2017. They’re...