Michelle Reyes
Why I’m Having A Sprinkle For My Second Baby
Our sweet little baby girl is set to arrive in June, and I've been going back and forth now for months on whether to have a small baby shower, or "sprinkle" for her.
On the...
What I Wish I Had Known About Black History Month As A Kid
I'll admit it: I didn't celebrate Black History Month as a kid.
My family was one of the only minority families in a predominantly small, white suburban town, and we were East Indian. I was...
Just a Momma Doin’ Social Justice
What momma has time for social justice initiatives, right?
Most days, it feels like we're barely keeping ourselves and our kids alive. Like, if everyone in the house has eaten three meals that day, we...
The Blessed Journey of Second Pregnancy
It's nearly impossible to compare your first pregnancy with your second (or third or fourth).
I remember the moment when I first found out the delightful news a few months ago that I was pregnant...
Christmas Traditions From Around The World
It’s no secret that a lot of mommas are “over” the whole Elf on the Shelf phenomenon. It’s a Christmas tradition that has made its mark in the homes of many for the past...
The Do’s and Don’ts of A Minimalist Christmas
What is a minimalist Christmas, anyways?
I mean, I get the basic concept: if you keep things small and simple for the holidays, you will save more money and have less stress, and possibly be...
My Thanksgiving Traditions
I love Thanksgiving – the time together with family and the traditions and memories that we make each year. As I think about our Thanksgiving traditions now, I have to laugh a bit because...
Tales Of Witches and Demons At Halloween
There seems to be an age-old question for parents on whether to tell their kids if Santa Claus is real or not. On the one hand, setting out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve...
Should Your Kid Wear A Cross-Cultural Costume at Halloween?
For every mother buying their kid a Halloween costume this year, the decision of which outfit to get just became a whole lot harder.
In just this past week, two controversial statements about “racist” Halloween...
Mothers – Warn Your Daughters About Wolves
The story of “Little Red Riding Hood” is one that has stuck with me from childhood. Who can forget that iconic red cape, the wolf in the forest and sick, old granny? It seems...