Worth It Wednesday: Bravado Nursing Tank

When I was breastfeeding Trent, I had 1 style of nursing bra. It was okay but nothing special. Before I had Drew, I went to Special Addition, a local shop that focuses exclusively on...

Great Expectations of Motherhood

I think I can speak for most women when I say we all had an idea of what married life, adult life, and parenthood would be like. Hey, I never said what you thought was...

It’s time for a Giveaway! Pickle Peas ‘Dribble Duds for Little Hipsters’

You guys.  Seriously.  Have you ever seen an item (baby or otherwise) and thought to yourself:  "Why in the WORLD did I not think of that!??"  Well, let me tell you ~  Pickle Peas...

Worth It Wednesday: Coconut Oil

When I was in college, I went through the self-discovery stage that most young folks experience the first time they’re sent out on their own.  For me, this resulted in 7 years as a...

Does Your Child Have a Delay, Disorder, or Difficulty?

When I first got pregnant with Lincoln my brain immediately went to worry. Worry I’d have a miscarriage, worry that he wouldn’t have 10 fingers and 10 toes, worry that his test results wouldn’t...

Make A Kite! And Fly One, Too!

This weekend the 85th annual Zilker Kite Festival is happening in Austin, and I cannot contain my excitement.  That’s 85 years of colorful kites swooping and looping against the backdrop of this wonderful city. ...

Don’t be the pesky friend

I have so many friends that either just had a baby or are about to have one. {my BFF is about to pop literally any second :)} It got me thinking about visiting a...

Crying Newborn, Sleepless Nights, & Prison

It’s tough to listen to a crying baby and being a parent can be frustrating, no doubt; especially when you have a newborn… sleepless nights, insistent crying, constant diaper changes, and the inability to...

Get a new breast pump…for free!

If you’re a mom, and chances are you wouldn’t be reading this otherwise, then you’ve probably heard by now that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has a provision to cover breast pumps for...

Everyone Wants To Know My Baby’s Name!!! Why???

We’ve talked about baby names… a lot. In fact, I did a quick search on Austin Moms Blog and we have at least 4 blogs that are devoted to names and I’m sure there...