Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger

Summer Fun Checklist: Touring the Capitol

Have you printed your Summer Fun Checklist yet? There are 10 items on the checklist each month- June, July and August- with recommendations for activities to keep your kids active and engaged in the...

10 Things a Father Should Do With His Teenage Daughter

Today, I recruited my best friend's amazing husband, Kenya to share his experience with raising not just a teenager, but a teenage daughter. We often focus on the little ones, but those young-ins will...
The Brobe

Being in the Boob Business With the Brobe

It’s 6am. I hop in the shower, throw on my robe, start the battle of getting kids up; they are dressed, teeth brushed, hair done, lunches made, breakfast eaten and out the door by...
applock cloud

Lock Your Children’s Apps Wherever You Are With AppLock Cloud

“Hand me your phone now!” That order or a variation of it has become commonplace in my household. With two boys ages 10 and 8, who are both in the autism spectrum, it’s been quite...
SMS Tracker, Gizmoquip

Keeping Up With Your Child’s Cell Phone Usage

Looking for a way to keep an eye on your kiddos on their mobile device? There’s an app for that! (But only on Android.) This week I installed the SMS Tracker on my 4 year...
Bikini Body Fitness, Gina Brown

How I Got My Bikini Body Back

Ah, Summer is almost here!! Oh crap, so that means bikini season is just around the corner! If you are like most people, working out isn’t high on your priority list when your running around...

Easy Ways to Add Sensory Play to Your Day

As a stay-at-home mom I find myself constantly looking for activities to make the most of my time at home with my son, Howard. When you’re a new parent it is sometimes difficult to...
National Infertility Awareness Week

When Surrogacy Becomes Your Only Hope: The ABC’s of Surrogacy {National Infertility Awareness Week}

Marianne shared her story this morning about struggling with infertility. There was light at the end of the tunnel when she learned a surrogate was her only hope in having a biological child. Today...
National Infertility Awareness Week

My Body Failed Me {National Infertility Awareness Week}

In order to honor those families that are affected by infertility every single day, Austin Moms Blog has shared several stories throughout this week. What binds us together is motherhood and whether you are...
National Infertility Awareness Week, Chelsea Vail

Building a Legacy {National Infertility Awareness Week}

In order to honor those families that are affected by infertility every single day, Austin Moms Blog plans to share several stories throughout this week. What binds us together is motherhood and whether you...