Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger

Dear Mom, :: An Open Letter to My Mother ::

My mother is one of those women who has been a mother since she was a kid. As the oldest of four, she was a mother to her sisters and once she had me...

I Was a Mom for 5 Days: Pregnancy Loss

After 3 years of trying, 2 major surgeries, umpteen million procedures, and countless hormone injections, I actually got pregnant naturally! The love my husband and I have for each other finally created life! I...
Austin Moms Blog | Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Eating Disorder Awareness Week :: A Future Mom’s Story

February 22nd - 28th is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.  Laura Morsman Photography has been Austin Moms Blog's official photographer for more than a year and a half so we've learned a lot about her during...
Austin Moms Blog | 10 Reasons Why Xbox is Bad

Anti-Xbox: 10 Reasons Why Xbox is a Bad Idea

I have missed opportunities in my life that could've been so much better"..."It is kinda tough for me to think of my actions in games versus in real life. - 15 year old xbox player The...
Austin Moms Blog | Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month: A Mother’s Story

I must have been about six when I distinctly remember driving down a street in Mequon, Wisconsin with my father. He was strumming an air guitar as he drove, which was commonplace, and he...
Austin Moms Blog | Marriage Tips

First Comes Marriage…

I've been with my husband for over a decade now; however, we've only been married three years. I can tell you the hardest part of our relationship was the seven years prior to tying...

10 Tips to Help With Fertility

Although many women "struggle" to get pregnant when they want, you're not even considered "infertile" until over a year of trying. Every month a woman of average health has only a 20% chance of...

Manners: Ways to Raise Gentlemen & Ladies

I worry that the value of good manners are underrated. A handshake and a "good to see you this morning" should not be rarities from a child (or an adult), but should be the...

Dear, Waiting to Become Pregnant: A Letter to the Wanna-Be Mom

I've been uncomfortably honest about my journey towards motherhood and my struggles with my multiple infertility struggles. This, however, is not going to be about my journey. This is a letter to all the...

Recipes for “Milkin’ Cookies” at Home

I'm sure you've heard of "milkin' cookies" aka lactation cookies, right? These are cookies made with oats and brwer's yeast to naturally increase milk supply for breastfeeding mothers. Here's a recipe for Oatmeal Chocolate...