Shaylee Webb

Shaylee Webb
Shaylee and her husband, Evan, moved their family from South Austin to Dripping Springs in 2015. There they have built their small 5 acre homestead and enjoy country life with all its charms and challenges. Shaylee has been a contributing writer for The Hill Country View Magazine, anchored an internet tech news channel and currently homeschools her 4 children (ages 8, 7, 6 and 4). You can follow her homesteading journey on Instagram @shayleeadrian

How Did I Get Here?

In 2015, my husband and I sold our little house in south Austin and moved our brood out to the hill country of Dripping Springs, TX. We had been building a farmhouse on some...

Meet Shaylee :: Interior Design To Homeschoolin Mom Of 4 On A Homestead

Hello Austin and the greater Austin area moms! My name is Shaylee Adrian Webb. I feel intimidated to try and describe myself but in the words of the great Fraulein Maria, "Let's start at...