I knew after having my third baby I wanted to dive into birth work.  I never quite envisioned it looking one way or another because being a stay at home mom was all I knew. Celebrating World Doula Week.

I often get asked by other doulas, “How are you a doula with three little children?” and I honestly don’t know to do it any other way, because it’s so worth it. Before starting my career as a birth doula I questioned if I should wait for my children to get older. Being a doula and a mother to a 4, 3 and 1 year old is far from easy but I realized there was no perfect time to start finding fulfillment in my passion.

I experienced birth trauma in my past and although I had the support of my husband, I wished we hired a doula. I often questioned “Would things have gone differently if I had doula support?” In some ways, becoming a birthing companion helped me overcome the sadness I felt from a birth plan that didn’t go the way I envisioned.

I am passionate about my ability to empower birthing and new mamas. Creating balance between being a stay at home mom and assisting a mom during labor is critical.

It is important for me to have proper balance so that my children don’t feel neglected from my career choices. I can be in the middle of tending to my babies and receive a call that a client is in labor. Being able to find childcare and get my life together to head to where ever the mama is takes major skill.

When my 4 year old sees me packing my doula bag, she will ask “Are you going to go help a mama push her baby out?” I take those opportunities to explain as much as possible. I think it’s important to communicate to my children so that they understand that their mom is helping someone else and loves the work she does.

I love being a doula and understand anything worth loving takes some sacrifice, so self-care and having a supportive tribe is essential.

I remember walking in from a 17 hour long labor and my babies greeting me at the door. My youngest wanted to nurse and the older two wanted to hear all about my time away. I felt physically ill from the strenuous labor and from not eating nor sleeping but all my children wanted to do was love on their mama. Being able to provide myself with a self-care routine (epsom salt bath, food and sleep) before jumping back into the mommy role is a requirement in the juggling of the mommy/doula role.

In honor of World Doula Week, I want to shout out all the amazing birth workers around the globe.. especially those who go home after to tend to their own babies. You are gold mama.


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