Brittany Jedrzejewski
Everyday Heroes …We See You
Everyday Heroes...We See You
I’m choosing to focus on gratitude today. Specifically for three heroines who are fighting for people they love.
I am grateful for hero number 1.
Not only for the amazing children she is...
Why I Love to Say YES
Where does time GO? Seriously, take a minute to pause, reflect and breathe in the ferocity with which our days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and then all of a sudden you (I)...
Choosing, Preparing and Packing for Sleepaway Camp
I consider myself a bit of a veteran when it comes to packing for sleepaway camp. My 13-year old son is currently experiencing his fifth year (Mo Ranch 2013; Camp Allen 2014-2017; Camp Travis...
Keeping Your Skin Safe This Summer
In my teens, I LOVED to lay out in the sun. I'd slather on the baby oil and squeeze lemon juice in my hair. Now, in my early 40s, I have yearly skin checks...
What’s With Teens and Their Frontal Lobes?
“What were you thinking?!” I say to my son (or at least think) more than I’d like to admit. Here’s a very small example, but one that over time becomes more frustrating: clothes surround,...
Seeking (and Reinforcing) Imperfection in a World That Expects Perfection
It was a hard morning, even though it was a Friday.
My 13-year old son had his shirt untucked one too many times, and as a consequence at school, had to wear his dress uniform...
Favorite Books To Cuddle Up With This Year
Taste in books is extremely unique, so I’ll share with you a handful of varying genres – all of which I thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend to anyone. And even if you don’t have...
Tips for Traveling Moms
I’ve had to travel quite a bit for work over the last month, and as I boarded the plane last week, I thought about the ways I strive to provide stability and continuity for...
Talking To Your Kids About Sex
I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember having THE talk with my parents. Perhaps I just blocked it out, but to prepare myself for THE talk with my kids, one of the...
The Best Sangria in Austin
For all of us trivia lovers, sangria (most commonly a red wine punch) comes from Spain, but was first introduced to the United States in 1964 during the World’s Fair in New York. While...