Brittany Jedrzejewski
My Changing Body
When I hear, “my changing body,” I think of the time right before and during puberty (think period, new breasts, etc.). However, over the past several years, I’ve noticed a change in my now...
What Parents Need to Know About Social Media
I recently met with Victoria Mueller, PhD, Licensed Psychologist about the latest research on teens and social media, ideas for starting conversations with your teen about social media use and helping your teen navigate...
The Gift of Adoption
To celebrate National Adoption Month, a dear friend of mine graciously accepted my request to interview her about her adoption journey for Austin Moms Blog. It was an honor to sit down with her...
May We Never Forget: Talking to Your Kids About 9/11
In my late 20s (pre-kids), I visited Auschwitz. To put it bluntly, I saw the many ways people suffered and died. At the end of my tour, I was left with one stinging question:...
How Austinties Can Help Hurricane Harvey Victims
“When it's a choice to make between things and life, sometimes you've just got to let the things go and hang on to life.”
This quote was taken from a recent article in The Washington...
Helping Kids Make Sense of Current Events
To say there is a lot going on in our country (and world) right now is an understatement. So where do we start?
My son’s best friend asked him about Charlotteville yesterday and my...
A Road Trip You’ve Gotta Take
I grew up in Springfield, Missouri and since it’s within driving distance from Austin, we make the long haul about once a year. For this visit, however, I decided to make it into a...
A Mother’s Experience Navigating Kids and Electronics
When my son Niko was 11 I had my first tween experience with kids and electronics. I allowed him to get an Instagram account using his iTouch. This was his first exposure to the...
Best Nature Hikes for Every Age in Austin
“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity,” John Muir.
It’s truly a beautiful gift to live in Austin among...
Why Is My Child So Hard on Herself?
I am currently struggling with my 9-year old daughter’s negative self-talk. Here’s a common scenario: Julia will be the last one out of the house to get to school. She’ll immediately take her frustration...