Brittany Jedrzejewski

Brittany Jedrzejewski
Brittany’s two children (now a teen and a tween!), have gifted her with the most beautiful name (and role) in the world. Their journey together inspires her to pursue her passion of writing, a powerful catalyst that brings mothers together in sisterhood. As the Preemptive Love Coalition says, “When we live like we all belong to each other, we answer much of the longing in the world.” Brittany is grateful for a work-life balance in digital marketing @gemalto and as a brand architect working with female entrepreneurs who are making the world a better place for their clients. She’s also an outdoor lover, reader, memory maker, runner, joke teller, ambassador for the poor. Looking to publish The Virtual Village. She has a great Brad Pitt story and uses Instagram @brittfarjed to tell her story.

It’s okay to be raising bored children

“When we are bored, we ask ourselves: What do I want to do with myself? We are guided toward certain things: a pen and paper, a guitar, the forest in the backyard, a soccer...

A Teen’s View of Tracking Apps

In the blink of an eye, our teens are independent. They have a life outside of us. They are walking around the Domain, going bowling, going out to eat after school, driving (!), riding...

50 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary

On April 22, 1970 - 50 years ago - the United States celebrated the first Earth Day as a way to provide a voice to what was happening on our planet. This celebration brought...

How to Navigate Austin’s Traffic

We know it. We see it. We breathe it. We live it. Austin traffic. Other than aerial ridesharing (yes, it’s a thing – Hyundai announced it will make flying cars for Uber’s air taxi service;...

What to Know When Your Daughter Starts Her Period

"Mom, I think my period just started." Here are some tips for when your daughter reaches this milestone. You’ll want to celebrate with her. However, refrain. She wants you to be calm and not...

It’s Cedar Season…and I Feel Great!

Sponsored By :: Curist Relief In case you missed the news, cedar pollen literally exploded today, and the count is at a near-historic level! And yes, you read the title right – even with historic pollen levels over the...

Take Your Kids To Meet Austin’s One And Only 15-foot Elf

A special elf from the North Pole has landed in Austin, and has a cozy downtown loft at the corner of 6th & Brazos. Dale on the Rail has been spreading cheer from his...

What I’ve Learned During My Son’s First Few Months of High School

In retrospect, Niko was ready for high school and his readiness has made my heart at peace. Don’t get me wrong, he was nervous (as was I). However, I witnessed a transformation in him...

Fair Trade Christmas Shopping 2019

Last weekend I attended the annual Artreach Ethical Gift Fair and was inspired to share the many ways we can support local, fair trade businesses. First, what exactly is fair trade? Fair trade is a...

I Caught My Teenager Drinking

No. Not this. I’m not ready. I miss the innocence. My heart hurts. What have I done wrong? On Halloween night, I agreed to let my son have a few of his closest friends over...