Kendra Jernejcic
150+ Easter Basket Fillers That AREN’T Candy
I’m not sure whether it’s my background as an elementary school teacher, or simply a desire to connect with my inner child, but holiday traditions are one of my favorite aspects of parenting. Each...
Kid Books for Thanksgiving
With Halloween behind us, the Christmas train is barreling down the track, and while many are eager to jump aboard (early Hallmark Christmas marathon, anyone?), I’d rather delay the Christmas chaos just a little...
How Learning About the Enneagram Has Helped Me Heal
My hands trembled as I carefully copied the final sentence of my report onto a fresh sheet of lined notebook paper. In that bygone era when computers weren’t a household commodity, final drafts needed...
Productivity Hacks For Busy Moms
In our society, many of us wear busyness as a badge of honor, and it’s not uncommon for productivity to become an idol. We measure our worth based on how much we can accomplish,...
30 Novels That Are Perfect for Fall Reading
Summer is often touted as the best time for reading, and I’m all for a good Summer Reading List. But I propose we also begin to make Autumn Reading a thing. After all, fall...
Surviving Parenthood As an Introverted Mom
“Thanks for hanging out with me today,” I whispered to my 4-year-old, tucking him into bed at the end of long day of mother/son bonding. “I really enjoyed spending time with you.”
“Of course, Mama....
In Praise of Stepping Away from Extra Activities
As moms, one of our primary job titles is Master of the Family Schedule or, in the words of counselor and educator Kim John Payne, “architects of our family’s daily lives.” In his book...
15 Independent Screen-Free Activities to Help Your Child Unwind
If you find yourself looking to set effective screen time limits for your children, you’re not alone. By now we are all aware of the research exposing the dangers of excess screen time, particularly...
Personal Development Books Every Mom Should Read
As a hopeless book lover and someone who is passionate about the pursuit of lifelong learning, it’s no surprise that when I first learned I was pregnant with my son, I immediately headed to...
In A Rut? Break The Script Through The Power Of Defining Moments!
As moms, we all recognize the value of a solid routine. We have them for chores, mealtimes, bedtimes, and even our vacations. Our routines help us get out the door each morning at a...