I am on my 7 month anniversary. I know, should you be listening to such a fresh new wife? I think yes because this is the best advice I’ve received to create these helpful tips for the newlywed and really, any married couple!

5 Quick Tips for a Happy Marriage

    1. Continue to date your husband. Call him your boyfriend and go on dates. Don’t ever stop courting your spouse. NEVER GET LAZY in your love. At a couple of my wedding showers my guests wrote down date ideas and it has been so much fun going out on these dates!
    2. Try to ALWAYS see THE BEST in him. Focus only on what you love and try very hard not to change him. You married him for many reasons, not for reasons that you could change him after you got married.
    3. Communication is key. I can honestly say that every married couple in my family has given us this advice. Never go to bed angry and listen to what your spouse says before you freak out or interrupt.
    4. Don’t worry about babies right away. Definitely, don’t freak you or your husband out about infertility before you even start trying. Remember that sometimes women can push too hard on the “baby subject” and that can in turn, push him away. Compromise on a date when you want to start trying and try everything organically first. Don’t start freaking out about fertility apps, ovulation tests and more until you are really having trouble conceiving.
    5. Fall in LOVE all over again, every day if you can. You and your spouse will constantly change, but you need to keep loving the person you married. You’re not the same people you were when you said “I Do” and in ten years you will not be the same person you are today. I’m sitting on 7 months married and I can tell how I’ve changed since then.

Newlywed Advice from Austin Mom's Blog. Married Now, what?Newlywed Advice from Austin Mom's Blog. Married Now, what?

Newlywed Advice from Austin Mom's Blog. Married Now, what?

Newlywed Advice from Austin Mom's Blog. Married Now, what?

Marriage is not a lackadaisical subject, it’s a commitment. You have to try. Don’t give up on LOVE. It is all-giving and all-receiving. Laugh constantly. And make him laugh. Laughter makes everything else better. Be spontaneous and be PRESENT. Give your marriage not only your time, but your focus, your attention and your soul.

What are your best marriage tips?



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