One question I get asked more often than any other is, “Which transition was the toughest…two to three or three to four?

I never actually answer this question directly, because if I’m being completely honest, my kids are so close together that most of the past four years (the time we’ve experienced both of the afore-mentioned transitions) has been somewhat of a blur.  HOWEVER, after discussing with my husband who has a better memory than I, we agreed that two to three is the worst.  But that’s not what this post is about, is it?  I make that point to get to where we are now…four kids, with my youngest turning three in a few days…I’ve been there.  For those of you mommas who have four children in your near (or distant) future, let me tell you that you won’t know left from right, up from down, for at least a year.  Didn’t I just say that the two to three transition was the hardest?  Yes I did…and you’ll totally be congratulating yourself after surviving that one….Until number four arrives and all that you thought you finally had under control will be flipped.

So here’s a few facts, myths, and tips to getting through the three to four season of life from a momma who’s been in the trenches and made it out alive:


Austin Moms Blog

1.  Myth:  What’s one more kid?  After a certain point, what’s the difference???  Yes, if you’re the Duggar family, I’m sure going from 16 to 17 children doesn’t even register as a blip on the radar in terms of transitional difficulty, but having a fourth baby is a FOURTH body you have to keep alive, fed, thriving, etc when the other three are still demanding all the same, plus more.  Fact:  It’s not just one more kid.

2.  Tip:  Outsource.  If there is any time in your life that you can make peace with paying some one else to do a job that you’re completely capable of….it’s when you have four children (or more).  I don’t care if you’re home watching Real Housewives while the house cleaner is mopping next to you…make peace with it and just shell out the money.  If it’s in your budget, this goes for dry cleaning (you ain’t got time to iron, you’ve got 4 kids!), cleaning (that commode will finally get the deep clean it deserves), babysitting (you’ve GOT to have some couple time with that many children or your marriage will suffer), girlfriend time….and the list could go on.  It’s worth it.

3.  Tip:  Take a cue from Elsa and Let It Go.  Unless you are a hardcore Type A who thrives on having all aspects of life organized and under control (whether that come at the price of sanity or not), with making the transition from three to four kids, you must learn to let things go.  For me, it was the cleanliness of my house (I haven’t yet outsourced that one), wearing makeup on the daily (I don’t), and forgetting an important thing or two.  Now, in the same breath, I’d also advise to cling to your planner like it’s your life source.  I’m worthless without mine, simply because my brain just can’t keep up with much more than what our family of six is doing at the present.  But if I have my trusty planner in front of me, you better watch out…I might go all Type A on you!

4.  Fact:  Sleep deprivation multiplies with your fourth.  At least in our case.  When you have your fourth child, motherhood is old hat.  Nothing really surprises you.  BUT…having a fourth child usually means that your oldest is around school age…so getting to bed late, waking up for feedings/sickness (or both), night terrors, night owls, and then getting up early to get kid(s) ready for school leaves about 3.75 hours to get your Zzzzzz’s in.  Find a good energy drink and buy stock in it.

5.  Tip:  Allow more time for everything.  Transitioning from three to four children, you have to take into account the extra time it requires to get everyone ready….or else you’ll be late to EVERYTHING.  Strolling into church late with four kids doesn’t exactly scream “flying under the radar” when you have to do the crouched over shuffle finding the last open pew in the very front with four littles and a husband trailing behind.  No, this has never happened to us, why do you ask??

6.  Tip:  Grocery shopping logistics.  Put one in the front (or two if you’re at Costco or select HEBs), one in the cart, and the other two on the sides of the cart or hanging onto your bag.  Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT accept Buddy Bucks…this will throw off you’re whole shopping trip mojo and will inevitably spiral into chaos and tears.  Oh, and make sure you park next to a cart return.

7.  Fact:  For the first couple years into having four children, some one will always be crying.  Get used to it and learn to discern the cries…most aren’t life threatening.  I kid.  Sort of.

8.  Tip:  Cherish the craziness during the young years.  While it takes a lot of patience raising a large brood, make a point to be in the moment and enjoy those wonderfully messy years…especially if all your children are close in age.  Embrace the mess.


Moms of four, what experience would you add to this list???

:: How Many Kids Do You Have? ::


  1. Yes, I too agree.. this is comforting! The comments alone are helping me! Lol
    I have a 4, 2 and a 6mo old with one on the way. Knowing that I’m not alone helps!

    I’d like to hear from the Mom’s that commented too about how you made it through!
    I think the main thing for me is my daughter being so young and attached to me. I’ve nursed all of them and not hardly having a break from that is tough.
    I don’t want to be fearful of the recovery, having to take care of my three older ones too.

    The scriptures that help me the most are “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And “…she laughs without fear of the future.” ❤️

  2. I love all the honesty on here makes my mind at ease about adding a 4th. I’m not expecting right now because I just had my son in December. But I would love to add one more in the future. I am turning 27 this year with a 4, 3, and a 2 month old currently. I also have the privilege to say that I’m not scared about the sleep bc all my kids sleep through the night can u say blessed! Love reading everything.😁

  3. Thank you for writing this! I have a 10 YO a 6 YO and a 2YO and just found out we have the fourth on the way!! I appreciate your honesty, but moms of 1 or 10 are heros!

    • I have the same age of kids also. How is it going since you have older ones who are self sufficient and can help?

  4. This was a good read! I have a 14 yo girl, a 10 year old girl and a 2 yo boy and one on the way. My children are so gapped apart one would think it’s easier… but between high school, college prep, sports that are life and death for the 14 yo. Not to mention drama… ugh the drama… I would take all of the spit up and tears. The 11yo staring puberty and no one listens to her apparently and scrambling for holiday traditions that she constantly reminds me of because she is clinging to every shred of childhood that I’m messing up for her with my good enough for now mentality. Then my boob guy, who can’t fathom why he doesn’t have breast milk anymore. Good heavens when he sees the new baby with his milk. His boobs.. so yeah great times lol. I love being a mom and almost enjoy every moment and for once I feel like I’m not the only one who feels that way. That i

    can say “almost every moment” and not feel like a bad mother

  5. Im so scared, i have a soon to be six yearold boy a just turned 3 y/o girl and a soon to be 2 y/o girl and just skipped a period a week ago, got blood work and farmacy pregnancy test and im pregnant, i was trying to wean my 2yo and with the morning after pill and withdrawl method, so im trying to reas up on other peoples wxperience


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