Meet Traci Mobley

Hey Austin Mamas and beyond!
I’m Traci. I’m an Enneagram 8. I’m married to my husband Brian of 6 years. We lived just miles a part in the same area of Cedar Park for years, before we ever met. His brother introduced us and the rest was, as they say, history. We were engaged in 7 months and just knew we were meant to be. He’s 9 years my senior and we didn’t want to waste a minute more. We started our family right away and we’ve got three beautiful babies to show. Jax is 5, Kenzie is 3 1/2 and Jett is 3 months old!
A little bit about me – I’m the messiest Type A there is, but it’s more of an organized and controlled chaos! I swear I’m the easiest person to please- just give me a warm cup of coffee + a little alone time in the mornings before the kids are up and you’ve set my soul on fire. I’ve built a multi-million dollar skincare business and it’s completely changed our life in every way! My husband is my best friend, and we continue to choose each other every single day. My favorite thing in the world is that moment all the kids are finally asleep in bed, after the chaos of baths and jammies; settling into the perfect warm lighting downstairs where I can just plop on the couch and enjoy the peace and quiet! I relish in the silence, as do many of you, I’m sure. Hot tea is my love language and I’ve passed that love on to my 3 year old daughter. I have my coffee in the mornings and she has started having her cup of hot tea. It’s rather adorable. I love all things cold, so it’s actually crazy that I live in Texas! I love cold temperatures, warm fires, and cozy blankets. I despise heat and sweating. But there’s something inside me that bleeds Texan, and I’ll never leave! God Bless Texas, football, fall and Christmas! 
I really believe that pouring into yourself as a Momma is the most important thing. I don’t ever feel guilty about girl dinners, hot baths, pedicures or ME time. It keeps me going and allows me to be the best mom and wife I can. It’s a non-negotiable in my book. My husband has also learned to operate without instructions. YES, it’s true. He’s learned to figure out dinners, baths and bed without my assistance and it’s glorious! Ladies, they can do this. I promise! That’s a form of self-care for you as well, it’s been a game changer for me. 
The 3 F’s most important to ME: 
FEAR: My biggest focus daily is living FEARLESS. I’ve always been someone to say YES to challenges. To embrace the scary. To lean in when life is calling you to stand tall. Showing my kids that you truly can do anything, that you can do hard things and you will survive.
FAITH: My faith hasn’t always kept me grounded and centered, until I was ALL IN. My faith was tested in 2015 when my husband lost his job. It was then that I was forced to give God my worries. I was so filled with anxiety and scared what our future would hold, I didn’t have anywhere else to turn. I turned to God in one of the most trying times in our life and marriage. I prayed every single day for almost a year for God to help us find a solution and boy He was faithful. After that year, I was baptized at Hill Country Bible Church. It was an incredible day after an exhausting year. But as always, God prevails and was showing me that His plan is always greater. And it is indeed His plan, and not mine. Brian’s layoff led us to my business. You’ll hear more about that from me soon! 
FAMILY: We are a unit. Or as my three year old says, “ We’re The Mobleys.” My husband is such an amazing man. He’s the realist, and I’m the dreamer. His heart is bigger than anyone I know, and he’s as loyal as they come. He makes me proud to be his wife. Our kiddos are characters, and they make us laugh everyday. I’m a strong proponent of breastfeeding. I breastfed my first for 14 months ( after 2 months of excruciating pain each feed) , my second for 18 months and I’m on month 3 with my third. It’s been the hardest but most rewarding thing I’ve done. I work so hard each day to make sure our house runs from sun up to sun down, and in between, that’s all the good stuff. It’s the hugs and kisses. It’s the ‘I love yous’ and the cries. It’s the tantrums and fits, It’s the muddy feet and spilled milk, the endless baths and dinner times. It’s the game nights and sick days. It’s the silly laughs and shoulder rides. That’s what life is all about. Our little family unit is my pride and joy. Each day I realize more and more that I’m exactly who my kids need me to be. I’m meant to be their Momma and his wife, and I couldn’t think of a better place for me to live out my days. Thankful is just the beginning.


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