The last year changed so many lives, altered the way we do basic things and separated us from our friends and family in some capacity. It was challenging for adults and kids alike, many of the effects of the last year still linger. Social anxiety, separation anxiety, increased social media usage during the pandemic and it’s effects on mental health and many more similar issues have increased ( CDC, 2021) from this time last year. All of this compounded with the lifting restrictions and everyone is in desperate need of some fun. So, I’m saying an emphatic “yes!” to everything that I can this pandemic summer.
Sleepovers, movies in theaters, indoor play places, play dates, camps and many more have dominated my children’s ever growing to do list. I want to say yes, I want to be there to absorb the fleeting moments that I will later measure my life by.
A summer of “yes” for parents ( a guide):
☀️ I am saying yes to time with my family and friends. And, if I can’t say yes that day, I will make plans on a different day.
☀️ I am taking a break from social media. I don’t know about you but I am sick to death of scrolling. Same stuff, different day and I need to break the cycle. Deactivating and coming up for air during the summer break seems worthwhile.
☀️ I will be present with my children.
☀️ I will take time out for self care.
☀️ I will date my spouse even if it’s just a picnic outside
☀️ I will make some loving and nourishing meals for my family but also have cereal for dinner and brownies for breakfast (because balance, people).
☀️ I will move my body.
☀️ I will give my children space too.
A summer of “yes” for children (a guide):
🏖 we will get in water as much as possible
🏖 we will invite friends over and re engage socially.
🏖 we will play with our hands
🏖 we will make sure to get fresh air
🏖 we will be kind to ourselves as we stretch beyond comfort zones.
🏖 we will spend time with books
🏖 we will go to church
🏖 we will mourn the loss of some of the school year but will honor the difference between “summer slide” work and school at a punishing pace to compensate for lost time work. Or, we will choose acknowledgment of our place in learning and take a break for the summer.
Trying a summer of “yes” may just be the key we need to ease ourselves back into post pandemic life. After all, no one ever says they regret trying something new or time spent with the kids or self care or perpetuating joy. So, get out there and get going! We have a summer to tackle!