Allena Gurley

Allena Gurley

Parents vs. Grandparents?

Growing up, I lived about 45 minutes away from both sets of grandparents {they lived in the same town}. My sister and I saw our grandparents pretty frequently, and we got plenty spoiled when...

Easy Peasy Dinner Ideas!

I am not much of a cook, but I specifically chose this topic because the meals that I make are super easy, and I wanted to encourage any other mothers like me with some...

What’s the IDEAL age gap between Kiddos?

It's obviously a very personal decision deciding how big to make your family. Lisa recently shared her extremely selfish decision to 'only' have one child. {grin} But if you do decide to have more...

Bedtime Battles

I think it's pretty safe to say that Brent and I have had our hands full when it comes to our son and sleep. We've had 2 major catalysts that caused issues that we...

Let’s Hear it For the Hubs…Part 2

It's time for the second installment of our series - Q & A with the special men in our lives. Today, my high school sweetheart husband, Brent, answers some questions to let you...

Giving Drew the Birth She Deserved

For me, the birth of my son, Trent, was a turning point in more ways than one. Of course, his birth made me a mommy, and for that, I will be truly thankful. But...

AMB Book Club

Hello friends! Welcome to the first official meeting of the AMB book club. It's like Oprah's book club...except we pick books that are actually enjoyable and don't make you want to jump off the...

The Biggest Waste of Money on a Newborn Item Was…

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Newly pregnant? Wanting to go buy all the latest and greatest baby items. STOP! Before you do anything, take some advice from experienced mamas and don't waste your money on a...

Raise Your Hand For a Summer Bevvie!

Cheers {tee hee hee...pun intended} to Katie for her amazingly heartfelt and honest post from yesterday. But I think it's time we talk about something else extremely important as we steamroll our way into 100 degree...

Is What’s Mine…Yours?

When you are getting married, you always hear the topic couples fight the most about is…drumroll please…money. Brent and I felt like we were prepared – or as prepared as two 24 year-olds could...