Krista Hager

Krista Hager

Are School Dress Codes Slut Shaming Our Daughters?

"Shorts that distract" "Skirts that distract" "Inappropriate"  Are these really words we are using to describe young girl's clothing? The word "distract" makes my entire body cringe. Who exactly are we worried about distracting?...

My Toddler and I Both Pee Our Pants!

It was a beautiful day outside. Spring was in the air. Well Spring and other less than desired Austin allergens. You see, I fear the days I pull the weather report and see the pollen...

Bad Dog Mom Club

Hello, my name is Krista, and I have a BAD dog. I remember when I first became a puppy mamma, at the ripe wise age of… ahem… 20. At the time, the potential for...

Talking to our Children About Race

Let me explain, I am not going to pretend that I understand what it feels like to be a minority, but I cannot afford NOT to try to understand. Being white and having that perspective requires I...

The Mad Hatter World of Toddler Logic

Once upon a time I gave birth to this sweet baby. We cooed and giggled, and when she cried I could quickly console her by meeting her immediate needs. Then something started to change....

Through Her Eyes: Confidence in our Daughters

My mother is a beautiful woman inside and out. Gorgeous, fun, smart, and kind. I remember her feeding me Chinese food anytime I was home sick from school. Can you get better than that?! She was the...
Father's Day

Love Letters for Father’s Day

Dearest Chad, I will never forget our first date. Completely smitten, I gushed at you. Feeling my small world and heart open with possibility, I timidly approached the question, "Do you see yourself having children?"...

Life With a Two-Foot Copilot!

I sit on the porcelain god… No, I am not praying to the porcelain god… Now I am a proper “adult” (but are we ever really?!) of 35, so I try my best to...

Love and Loss on Mother’s Day

Have you ever desired something with such intensity that you felt a constant loss each moment that dream was not realized? For years I wanted to be a mother. These are not feelings I admitted...

Hashtag MomBod: Embrace the Curve

  Tiny fingers playfully explore the lumps on my thighs. A gentle head rests sweetly on my soft stomach. Shards of nails pinch the crap out of my … OUCH love handles. Yes, I definitely have...