Chicken Soup from Around the World

eace As cold-cool-chilly-ish weather finally makes its appearance in Austin, I find myself craving hearty comfort foods like pot roast, chili and chicken noodle soup. Chicken noodle soup has been a staple of the...
Austin Moms Blog, Ways to Maintain a Clean Home

5 (easy!) Ways to Maintaining a Clean Home… Even if You Work

If you are anything like me, your house is constantly in a state of disarray.  I visit and/or see photo's of other people's spotless homes and wonder if they a.) don't have kids, b.)...

Count down to Spring Break

Spring Break is right around the corner {March 11-15 for most of us}....what are your plans? Loading up with a slew of small bikini's, baby oil, and flip flops to head to the beach are days...

Valentine’s Day For The Last-Minute Mom

Are you ready for another holiday? Valentine’s Day is fast approaching! Are your adorable hand-made Pinterest-worthy valentines ready to go? No? Yeah. Mine either. Such is mom life. Keep reading because I've got you covered. So you’d...

DIY: Teacher Appreciation

Teacher Appreciation week is May 6-10 which means it is time to show these wonderful people some major love! Teachers definitely have a special place in heaven for everything they do, so I make sure...

It’s SUMMER! Time to get Messy and Chaotic

Welcome, summer!  We've made it! Whether you’re a teacher or not (and especially if you are), it’s time to take one big giant EXHALE. Go ahead and do that now… Bedtimes are later, schedules are thrown out...

Focus Group Opportunity

Is your child aged 5-14? Get paid for your opinions! Explore Learning is a British tutoring company that is considering opening its first U.S. centers in Austin. They will be holding small, informal focus groups...

Backseat Boredom Busters: How to have FUN while road tripping with kiddos!

Summer vacation is almost over, and if you're anything like me, you are just desperate to get one last trip in before school starts!  Now, while we are super lucky to live in Austin...

DIY Wardrobe Planning Sorters

We had a major PTL (Praise the Lord) moment in the Barry home this week: I'm HOME!  I have been traveling NON-STOP for three weeks (I've been home two days in those three weeks)...

Worth it Wednesday: Farmer’s Markets

As a kid, I used to eat fresh, raw broccoli straight from my dad's garden, unwashed and straight off the plant.  If you've ever eaten really fresh broccoli, you know it has a delicious...