Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing as a working mom. I do miss out on a lot of time with my daughter due to my demanding career and sometimes, even when we’re all home, I have to work. In fact, I’ve just returned from a nine day work trip where I saw Caroline for a total of 12 hours throughout that time. Brutal.
So, while I’m working at home or away on business, what is Caroline learning about being a mommy? Is she learning that mommy is gone a lot? Is she learning that mommy is always on her computer/laptop?
Well, recently, my sweet daughter has discovered her inner-mommy with her new doll, “baby” and I can’t help but think she is reflecting the type of mommy I am with her “daughter.”
It’s incredibly sweet to witness her put “baby” to sleep, give her kisses, walk her around the apartment in a stroller and get her dressed. Heaven forbid “baby” be without a bow (that’s my girl) or something pink!
While observing her, I was so refreshed to see that of all “takeaways” she could get from observing her mommy, she is emulating the immense amount of love and affection I drown her in when I see her 89% of the time.
It’s difficult to measure if we’re being good parents or if we are making the right decisions, but when little miss (or mister) monkey-see monkey-do showcases the great things you’re doing as a parent, you can breath a sigh of relief.
What does your little lady or little man do that they’ve learned from your parenting style?


  1. She doesn’t know any different or have anything to compare it to. All she knows is your immense love for her and she thrives on it. You are a great mommy and she will admire your work ethic, ability to provide and that you go after your goals/dreams…then she will likely do the same 🙂


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