Have you ever wished that you could instantly make a popsicle for your kiddos?   You come in from outside and you are hot and miserable and your kiddos are begging for something cold.  You happen to have orange juice but your kiddos aren’t patient enough to wait for several hours for it to freeze?   Well then, the Zoku is made for you!


The Zoku is, hands down, the best invention for those of us who forget to keep our freezer stocked in the summer with store-bought popsicles (or for those of us who just prefer to make them ourselves).   Why?  It freezes your popsicles in nine minutes.   From start to finish.  9 minutes.  You get home from the pool, you are hot and miserable … and poof, by the time your kiddos get out of the bath, you can hand them a popsicle.

The downside — it only makes three at a time … but in a house with two kids, it’s perfect.  One for each kiddo and one for me.   Need a second batch?  It takes 11 minutes to freeze.

How does it work?  Magic.

How much does it cost?  $49.95

Where can you get it?  Williams-Sonoma

How often do I use it?  Almost every day!  I make it healthy … think of it like a frozen smoothie.  I puree down strawberries, blueberries and a half of a banana.  I add in juice and a handful of spinach (enough to get the healthy attributes of spinach but not enough to turn it green) and then I pour it in!  It’s a healthy popsicle.  No added colors or preservatives or ‘natural’ flavors.  The kiddos love it and they can help me with it!   It’s a win-win!



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