Another school shooting. This time too close to home for me.
My parents met at SPU. I graduated from SPU. And now my cousin is finishing her freshman year at SPU.
When I got a text alert from Fox News last night, my heart sank. There were no details yet. Just the stunning reality of a fatal shooting at a place I once called home.
As I drove home from work, texting with my cousin who was shaken but okay, I stopped to pray. I prayed for the victim’s families, students, staff, faculty, the greater SPU community, and the shooter himself.
As the details continue to come out we learn that one shooter, who was not a student, entered Otto Miller Hall with a shot gun and a knife. After injuring four students, he was taken down while reloading by a heroic student monitor. One student has died due to his injuries. Three others are still under medical care. And the shooter has been arrested and booked with Seattle Police.
Throughout the evening last night SPU held a prayer vigil at the church on campus and students gathered to pray. Today there are still more questions. Questions we may never know the answers to. There is evil and sin in this world but God is faithful.
“We’re a community that relies on Jesus Christ for strength, and we’ll need that at this point tin time,” said Daniel Martin, University President.
Lord have mercy, hear our prayers.
As a member of the SPU community and of Austin Moms Blog, I mourn with the victims, families, and entire SPU family over this tragic event.