Growing up with only one brother, I had NO idea what to expect when we had more than one daughter…three to be exact. I didn’t know (and am still learning) how to parent sisters. Our three girls came first, and then the boy, so our house is pretty much ruled by estrogen. Even though we threw a boy into the mix, I still consider our home pretty daughter-centric….because you know, it’s a girl’s world.
Here are 10 signs I KNOW I’m living in a girl’s world. Who’s with me???
1. You secretly envy mothers of boys because of all the seemingly cute and dapper clothing options….as if girls clothes are SO boring. You’re over it. Bring on the suspenders, newsboy caps, and skinny jeans!
2. Your home is perpetually in a state of toilet paper scarcity because your daughters have no rational concept of how much is appropriate usage. “Will some one bring me some toilet PAPEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR!!!?????”
3. Pink. PINK. P I N K!!!!! Need I say more?
4. When you see loom rubber bands, hair rubber bands, stickers, minute doll clothes, or random Polly Pocket pieces, you either vacuum it up with no regard for the integrity of your vacuum, or throw it straight in the trash when no one is looking. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
5. You’re a pro at meticulously painting tiny finger and toe nails. Extra points if you attempt JamBerry!
6. You’ve watched countless YouTube videos of Elsa hair tutorials because your daughters just HAVE to have the EXACT ‘do. Anything less is pure Disney sacrilege.
7. Sassiness. Attitude. Manipulation.
8. You find yourself having high expectations of your daughters’ abilities to put together outfits in a color and style coordinated manner…but then come back to reality as you watch them prance down the stairs in no less than 6 bows, a tutu, mismatched shoes, and a doll-stuffed purse slung over the shoulder as she proclaims she’s “ready to go”!
9. Naked Barbies. Everywhere. Where the heck did all their clothes and accessories go!?! Oh that’s right…see #4.
10. Each and every time you flip open your iPad, you suspect yet another beauty shop, wedding dress, or Frozen app has been downloaded…because you are quite certain there were only one hundred and fourty-TWO of them when you last checked.
Moms of daughters…how do YOU know you’re living in a girl’s world???