Kristen Jansen
Top Ten Must-Haves for Spring in Austin
Springtime here in Central Texas is short and sweet. Style-wise it's the time of year that we can still pull-off layers while also digging out the "after Easter" attire (which I totally do not...
Your Next Meal: Longhorn Steakhouse
The other night, a friend and I were treated to a fantastic dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. We went to the Sunset Valley location, where the store Managing Partner (GM) Paul Bedeski showed us what...
To Mommas of Little Girls
Why are girls so mean?
Having three daughters, I ask myself this question on a daily basis. Sadly.
Recently, one of my daughters experienced a "good friend" at school being quite ugly to her. Initially, I...
The 7 Best On-the-Go Snacks for Moms
I'm a bona-fide snacker. I don't ever sit down for lunch and I usually eat about every two hours. Being a "snacker momma" (yes, I just made up that term), I consider myself quite the...
Valentine’s Day Style….Sexy or Cute?
This time of the year always has me in a great mood. I'm over the anticlimactic depression of post-Christmas, yet I'm still riding the optimistic attitude wave of the new year....and even better, my...
A Day In the Life With Four
First off, I'm super-duper excited to be contributing to AMB! Being the newbie, I thought I'd share a little about myself and how I juggle life with four littles by walking you through my...