Now I consider myself a pretty natural mama. My kid eats organic (even at the cost of her college fund, but that's what scholarships are for, right?), she knows her downward dog from her tree, she is used to...
I kept hearing about this great new park in Round Rock, everyone said it was a must-go-ASAP. So I did and WOW, it was so much fun, it is by far my favorite park to take my kiddos!. It...
I know we've mentioned it before, but this Austin Mom is soon going to become a Boston Mom (I will always consider myself an Austin Mom, though, so do expect to still hear from me!). Well the days are...
Good Morning Austin Moms Blog! Your AMB Blogging team is taking the day off to spend time with their families (well, except Vanessa, she is traveling on business.) We'll be back tomorrow!

Bad Visions…

Earlier this week I blogged about a scary situation with Caroline's car seat and it sort of inspired my blog post for today.  I'm keeping it short because I know a lot of you all are probably traveling for...
We’ve all heard the term “Extreme Parenting”, but what exactly does it mean? Well unfortunately there is no definition in Webster’s Dictionary, Wikipedia, or even on Google so Extreme Parenting is left completely open for interpretation. Some people may...
Today is a little less about being a mom and a lot more about being a woman...with hormones...serious serious hormones. Yes, you heard that right; today is about HORMONES! Okay, kind of… it’s also about hair. Now you may...
How many of our moms plan to have more babies? How many moms got stretch marks their first go around??? Yes, it’s true, growing a human inside of you causes your belly, booty, hips, thighs, breasts, and even ankles...
Have you heard that comedy bit that Jeff Foxworthy made famous?  Well, I totally deserved my {Stupid} sign yesterday and probably the Worst Mommy Ever sign, too. When Caroline and I returned from her day at the Goddard School, I...
don't be the crazy parents! As a baseball mom of two boys I am considering calling up a TV network to see about starting a new reality show. Move over Dance Moms, here comes Baseball Moms. Just kidding, although...