Raising Daughters In A Sexually Pushy World

Raising Daughters In A Sexually Pushy World The older I get the more conservative I get. The biggest reason is Jesus. In our home, we know that this world is only our temporary home…but society...
older kids

Dear Moms of Older Kids, From a Mom of Littles

Dear moms of older children, I know your stage is hard too. I remember yelling “efff you” (censored for your reading pleasure) to my mom when I was sixteen and slamming the door in her...

My Baby’s First Crush Crushed Me

My baby’s first crush nearly CRUSHED me.  Mamahood has its ups and downs, beautiful and messy moments. Milestones and tantrums and everything in between. We all read the books and the blogs and prepare ourselves...
believe in magic

Do You Believe in Magic? Your Child Does!

“Wee Wee”  Then... “Ta Da!” Addy proudly exclaims with her “WOW” grin. I glance over precipitously. I mean “Ta Da” can mean a LOT of things in our house. Yesterday it meant a Crayola Picasso...

Life With a Two-Foot Copilot!

I sit on the porcelain god… No, I am not praying to the porcelain god… Now I am a proper “adult” (but are we ever really?!) of 35, so I try my best to...

Posttraumatic Outings with Tots

It had been an eventful morning. Shoot, it has been an eventful last six months. You see, as a classic extrovert, I tend to go a little stir crazy without human interaction and blab...
Outdoor Classes

COVID-Safe Outdoor Classes and Activities for Young Kids

After giving birth to my second child in October 2019, I had visions of doing all sorts of outings with her once she was a little older. I imagined we would spend mornings, while...

The Difference Between Postpartum Depression & Post-Baby Blues

I had the Post Baby blues after the birth of my son. I would feel happy one minute, and then sad the next. When it would start to get dark, the worse my baby...

When Your Child Loves Your Spouse More Than You!

My daughter loves me — of this I have no doubt. Rescuing her from her forced sleep, she wakes up utterly thrilled to see me each morning. I then sit with my little love on...
stay-at-home mom

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom: The Good, Bad and the Ugly

I've officially been a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) for six and a half years. When I meet people that I haven't seen since high school or college, they seem surprised that I have kids and...